I think the world is divided enough as it is and all the countries should move in the direction of reaching the understanding between each other in order to avoid war in the future. If anything, economics is, to a big extent, about international relations, and this kind of separation in economics they indeed to do will make things harder on that level.
In addition, I do not agree with this quote:
“Mined cryptocurrency has intrinsic value because it costs a certain amount to produce it – but fiat currency printed digitally onto the balance sheet has no intrinsic value at all” (Mamlouk, vice president of capital markets at Nimbus)
The energy required to obtain something doesn't define value. Now, I know it's wrong to compare gold to cryptocurrencies, but in this context, I will allow myself to bring forward a certain comparison.
Saying that the value of crypto is defined by the energy required to produce it would be the same thing as saying that the value of gold is defined by the difficulty of work, which is required to mine it. But we know that it's not exactly true. The value is determined by its scarcity and demand.