FindCoin Nominations If you are here and don’t know what's this all about - please read our FCPS (FindCoin Poll System) thread first. Here’s the guide on creating nominations: You will need:
Link to profile of the guy you want to nominate
like Links to his scam report posts
like Name of the scam
like [PFC]
Then you go to this thread and create such post:
(XXX - your nick, YYY - nickname of the guy you nominate, ZZZ - name of the scam).
I, XXX, nominate YYY for FindCoin bounty for investigating ZZZ scam. Here’s the links to YYY’s investigation posts:
BTCtalk’s link1, link2, link3
Please vote for giving YYY the bounty he deserves: (reserved for poll link)”
Post it with no poll link yet, then copy this post’s link, go to any short-linking service, and shorten post’s link, better to something meaningful (like, short-link/YYY, where YYY is the nick of nominated guy).
Copy that shortened link, go to, login, and create such poll:
Question: ZZZ || YYY || short-link/YYY ?
Answers: No Bounty
After you have created the poll, copy link to that poll, return to your nomination post, and paste that link there in reserved place.
That’s all!
We will check your nomination and poll, and if everything is ok - we will PM nominated guy with link to that nomination. Of course, you can do that yourself via PM or mention it in thread where original scam report was posted.
Please examine nominations posted below so you’ll understand better how it should look like. Remember, that scam reports do not necessary should be posted on BitcoinTalk.
I want to create scam report myself, where should I post it? Doesn't matter, as long as it will have constant link to it.
1. You can create separate thread in scam accusations, or just post a message to any scam subject related thread (not recommended, because your post can be deleted by topicstarter)
2. You can create post in your own blog or even post it on your Facebook page
3. You can write it in doc/pdf, upload it to dropbox/drive, and provide us with link