
Topic: Fintech developers are motivated to censor the Bitcoin community. (Read 420 times)

Activity: 18
Merit: 0

Thank you so much for your feedback guys !

“coinpr0n” I love the link you shared… very inspiring for me to read !

Hopefully we won’t end up with a Skype-style fiat 2.0. It’s a scary thought but I don’t see that happening.. however I guess depending on how we choose to interact with the Blockchain some users will be fine with some degree of centralization if it is more convent for them. But the Open-source nature of this technology should ensure we all get what we need and in the end. And it’s up to the individual how political he/her want to live their lives.

But let’s try to be all we can be.. happy fools, serious business men, control freaks, creators and entertaining sales men !
I think we need a little of everything to survive in this new age that is coming so quickly.. we just need to remember time and love is the most important thing we have in the end. And NOBODY! is perfect.. except me of cause  Roll Eyes …  Thanks again guys !
Activity: 3430
Merit: 3074
I agree that the anarchists/cypherpunks deserve the real credit for Bitcoin, and that selling that vision short could render the whole project null and void.

But to say that the developers shouldn't take political stances isn't a reflection of that. Sure, they're shouldn't be attempting to design or code with politics in mind; they should be focused on looking at their work as an engineering problem that requires an engineering solution.

But the original definition of the problem itself requires taking a political stance. Satoshi essentially defined the politics for us with the White Paper and the Genesis Block, but the developers that came to replace him had to take up that mantle, otherwise we would've ended up with the centralised Skype-style fiat 2.0 system favoured by the likes of Mike Hearn.  
hero member
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
What you are saying reminds me of this piece which talks about how most revolutionary movements eventually get 'sold out' for lesser / inauthentic versions of themselves. This is sad, but in keeping the kindle alive we may be able to come out the otherside still kicking. Peace.

Geeks, MOPs, and sociopaths in subculture evolution:
Activity: 18
Merit: 0

Hey guys if you have a time please take a minute to watch my latest video


Fintech developers have a lot of support from banks and government which in my opinion motivates them to censor the appearance of the Bitcoin community. I understand that we need the banks and governments to get onboard and more importantly we need their investments to get the thousands of new solutions out to the masses, therefore I welcome the banks and the governments to invest in Fintech and Bitcoin as this is awesome for Bitcoin the Blockchain and the whole decentralized payment space. Lucky banks and governments are full of morons who are ready to throw money left and right just to stay relevant but I believe they have no idea what so ever regarding the future of money and banking and will be left behind as soon as they stop paying the bills. However currently the arrival of banks and governments as investors in this decentralized payment space has changed the Bitcoin community a lot as developers now are trying to distance themselves from the anarchists and radicals to appear more proper and in tone with the centralized program of control. And this results in more and more censorship within the Bitcoin communities when it comes to anarchistic ideas or radical thought. But people please understand Bitcoin and the blockchain is very radical technology and thus will attract radical people. Who for the most part are honest dreamers of freedom and prosperity for all men and woman. Society should really thanks the anarchist and radicals more as this group of people are always the ones brave enough to get onboard new technology. I believe if it was not for this group of people we would not have a world full of great technology as we do ! So thank you all brave anarchist and radical thinkers who are brave enough to get onboard new technology and have used their own time and money to push new ideas  forward even though society is against it in the beginning.. thank you.. thank you.. thank you.

And all the developers who forget who their real supports are.. we are all human and have a right to use technology !
Developers should try only to make solutions for humans without getting involved in politics, right and wrong… and all that sh.t
Power to the people ! And any developer who understands this !

Let me know what you guys think about this ?

If you like the video please share it....thanks for watching.
/Stay vigilant friends !
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