Introducing the
awesome idea (phrase borrowed from another thread) of
FBW (First Bitcoin Wave) to be kicked around (hopefully not like the sad proverbial can) on this thread. Note: I used the word machine, not in its normal literal sense, but as a body of people--that same body of people who constitute the
FBW, acting as a machine to steer the Bitcoin economy forward.
Allow me to illustrate how this concept would benefit the Bitcoin economy by serving up a delicious example:
Masa Azul ( -
uncovered via a G search to use as my example) is a newly opened restaurant in Chicago and, as with every other new restaurant owner, desires a loyal customer base.
FBW would comprised of no less than 20
active members, with at least one
chef chieftain (yes, leader would be a better word choice, but reckoned this taste better). The chieftain's main
dish duties would include...:
- Recruiting & Organize Members--Users of Bitcoin
- Seek New Restaurants, like Masa Azul, in Their Respective City
- Reach Out to the Owner of Masa Azul
- Walk Him Through the Simple Bitcoin Acceptance Process
- Guarantee Him at Least $200 USD in Sales During the First Usage of Bitcoin at Masa Azul
- Making Sure the FBW Members Visit Masa Azul as Planned
...among other range of services.
Consider the
FBW a weekly micro-Expo (more than just a meet-up), where members
meet-up converge on a regular basis to experience a new eating establishment like
Masa Azul, discuss Bitcoin or baseball and, moreover, welcome each new eatery by patronizing and introducing a constant revenue stream to them.
Of course, like any well oiled machine to work properly, all the ingredients to make it must be kosher, hence offering up this thread with the hope of constructive discussion to see if such a machine is worth cooking up. If it is, then I further envision a site that links to all the national and international restaurants (at no out of pocket expense to their respective owners) partaking in this endeavor.
Now, as with any Bitcoin post worth its salt, a little hashed math is in order.
What if:200 Major cities X 20 Hungry guests to each new restaurant X $9.62 USD (includes tax) per average check X 52 Weeks =
$2,100,000 USD (rounded) added to the economy yearly. Does that number look familiar?
If one multiplies that times 100, you'll easily approach $.25B USD in generated revenue per year.
Therefore, with
FBW, everybody, and I mean everybody,
wins eats.
I hope you found my
amazing idea appetizing. If so, are you ready to comment or still looking at the menu?
OK GO! An Idea Worth Spending Bitcoin: An Idea Worth Spending Bitcoin: An Idea Worth Spending Bitcoin: An Idea Worth Spending
I'm willing to bet this post made you hungry.
This post/thread inspired by: --->