
Topic: First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Shows... (Read 293 times)

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
However, vaccines have saved billions of people, that is a fact.
Vaccines have also killed "some" people  (the one in a million cases).

Why do people who are so worried about population growth (like Bill Gates) put so much time and money into vaccines?

Why did Bertrand Russell write this about future societies back in the early 1950's:


Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society
Simon and Schuster, New York, 1953

Page 30:

    It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.

    This subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship. Anaxagoras maintained that snow is black, but no one believed him. The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. . . . It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray.

Pages 50-51:

    Fichte laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. But in his day this was an unattainable ideal: … In future such failures are not likely to occur where there is dictatorship. Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.

Page 51:

    Children will, as in Plato’s Republic, be taken from their mothers and reared by professional nurses. Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.


On a related topic, I notice this in looking for a good example of the above:

What we old-timers on the more hairy end of the spectrum failed to appreciate was that 2040 would become THE DESIRABLE LOOK in the eyes of most people.  Russell sheds a lot of light on how that came to be.

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
you inferred that whats injected stays in its exact same state and passes the bloodbrain barrier as is.
i corrected your assumption that your body does things to it before even getting near the brain. and the only way for your inference/scare tactic to be real is if someone was to directly inject the vaccine into the brain. which never happens

if you really want something to concern yourself that has some factual relevance. and not your cultish anti-vaxxer nonsense
is that if its injected in the fatty tissue vs the muscle.
the body metabolises it in the muscle and takes care of your first fears..
but if dont in the fatty tissue. it lingers there and can cause some irritation and to simplify it down.. gets all sticky and forms a fatty shell thus less metabolised as it goes around your system once it gets into your blood stream. but here is the good part. the fatty one.
once cycling your bodie blood stream wont get into your brain very well. thus less likely to be immunised up there.

so in short. your main worry is the skin irritation at the injection spot because the doctor didnt stick it in deep enough

I didn't infer anything, you did in order to give the false impression you had something to correct. What I said was 100% factual. Injecting substances into your bloodstream directly not only is very different than consuming them, but it also can cross the blood brain barrier, which is something that is almost never the case when consuming a substance. The rest is just horse shit misdirection from your own stupidity.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1693
Wikipedia has two basic kinds of information. It has the simple info that it tells the truth about. The sky is blue. Grass is green. Milk is racist, I mean white.

Yes and Wikipedia says that No monkey bits have been used in vaccines since the 1960s after scientists realized that tens of million Americans have potentially been contaminated with SV40 monkey bits that caused cancer in hamsters.

Then wether, other stuff is currently being used in vaccines and that we will learn about their side effects in the next few years, I won't argue with you.  There will likely be plenty of new big pharma scandals.

However, vaccines have saved billions of people, that is a fact.
Vaccines have also killed "some" people  (the one in a million cases).

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

then do some research about how 'monkey kidneys' have not even been a thing for ~50 years so kids today have no worries..
.. well unless your the 51+yo kid in question

I'll add some source to this.
It was very very interesting to read about it.

Basically monkey kidney vaccines  were stopped in the 60s

In 1962, ..... a young biologist named Leonard Hayflick at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia had been quietly obtaining aborted fetuses from the University of Pennsylvania Hospital across the street. Hayflick was setting out to create a cell line, a group of self-replicating cells, from the lungs of an aborted fetus which he thought would serve as a great tool for those seeking to make vaccines in a safe and clean environment.

At the time, monkey kidney cells were being used to make the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines, which were the great public health victory of the day. However, simian monkey viruses were found lurking in those monkey kidney cells. One of these, called SV40, caused lethal cancers in laboratory hamsters. Tens of millions of American and British children were vaccinated with Salk vaccine that may well have contained the SV40 virus. So regulators were extremely concerned. Hayflick thought, If I can get cells from one fetus, determine that they’re clean, and not prone to cause cancer we can have a safe, clean micro-vaccine factory for making these viral vaccines.

source :,lethal%20cancers%20in%20laboratory%20hamsters.

And wiki :
WI-38 is a diploid human cell line composed of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue of a 3-month-gestation aborted female fetus.[1][2] The cell line, isolated by Leonard Hayflick in the 1960s,[3] has been used extensively in scientific research, with applications ranging from developing important theories in molecular biology and aging to the production of most human virus vaccines.[4] The contributions from this cell line towards human virus vaccine production have been credited with avoiding disease in, or saving the lives of, billions of people.[5][6]

Wikipedia has two basic kinds of information. It has the simple info that it tells the truth about. The sky is blue. Grass is green. Milk is racist, I mean white.

Then they have the other stuff that they aren't so clear on, and often have false info. It's stuff that is difficult to find.

I think that you will find that there are all kinds of "things" in modern vaccines that aren't supposed to be there, except that vaccine makers are trying to elicit now info from the vaccinated, just like they are studies. That's not what the people want. They think they are being protected. Vaccine makers know from experience that they aren't protecting anybody. Yet they keep on with their charade.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534

then do some research about how 'monkey kidneys' have not even been a thing for ~50 years so kids today have no worries..
.. well unless your the 51+yo kid in question

I'll add some source to this.
It was very very interesting to read about it.

Basically monkey kidney vaccines  were stopped in the 60s

In 1962,
i told badecker this fact months ago in another topic. it shut him up for a bit.. but seems he has a memory of a goldfish and circles back to fiction land of his antivaxxer scripts quite often. so i just gently nudge him back to reality again.
i was going to quote it again. but thought it wasnt worth going full on spoodfeeding mission. as he obviously didnt remember it from last time. but im glad you linked it.(saved me time)
it should give some peace and quiet about that aspect for.. a month.. hopefully more
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1693

then do some research about how 'monkey kidneys' have not even been a thing for ~50 years so kids today have no worries..
.. well unless your the 51+yo kid in question

I'll add some source to this.
It was very very interesting to read about it.

Basically monkey kidney vaccines  were stopped in the 60s

In 1962, ..... a young biologist named Leonard Hayflick at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia had been quietly obtaining aborted fetuses from the University of Pennsylvania Hospital across the street. Hayflick was setting out to create a cell line, a group of self-replicating cells, from the lungs of an aborted fetus which he thought would serve as a great tool for those seeking to make vaccines in a safe and clean environment.

At the time, monkey kidney cells were being used to make the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines, which were the great public health victory of the day. However, simian monkey viruses were found lurking in those monkey kidney cells. One of these, called SV40, caused lethal cancers in laboratory hamsters. Tens of millions of American and British children were vaccinated with Salk vaccine that may well have contained the SV40 virus. So regulators were extremely concerned. Hayflick thought, If I can get cells from one fetus, determine that they’re clean, and not prone to cause cancer we can have a safe, clean micro-vaccine factory for making these viral vaccines.

source :,lethal%20cancers%20in%20laboratory%20hamsters.

And wiki :
WI-38 is a diploid human cell line composed of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue of a 3-month-gestation aborted female fetus.[1][2] The cell line, isolated by Leonard Hayflick in the 1960s,[3] has been used extensively in scientific research, with applications ranging from developing important theories in molecular biology and aging to the production of most human virus vaccines.[4] The contributions from this cell line towards human virus vaccine production have been credited with avoiding disease in, or saving the lives of, billions of people.[5][6]
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
We don't need the current vaccine atempts. Covid has already mutated.

Here’s the lowdown on whether the coronavirus has already mutated

The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) has now infected over 5.6 million people worldwide, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. As experts continue to study the contagion, some have suggested that there is more than one strain of the coronavirus. They believe that these mutations have greatly altered how infectious and deadly the virus is.

Since the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen behind COVID-19, researchers have looked into the virus’s genetic material and found variations in its genetic sequence. These mutations have raised questions about whether they influence how easily the coronavirus infects target cells and if they can increase a person’s likelihood of dying from COVID-19.

Looking for answers

According to virus experts, SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped RNA virus — that is, a type of virus with an outer wrapping (that comes from an infected cell) and whose genetic material is encoded in single-stranded RNA. Enveloped viruses make their own replication machinery inside their host cells.

RNA viruses are known for having high mutation rates, as their enzymes are more prone to errors during the replication process.

According to Jonathan Stoye, a virologist at the Francis Crick Institute in London: “A mutation is a change in a genetic sequence. The fact of a mutational change is not of primary importance, but the functional consequences are.”

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
I would tell you that consuming compared to injecting a substance that crosses the blood brain barrier along with an adjuvant has two TOTALLY different effects, but you already know that now don't you?

i would tell that vaccines are not injected directly in the brain. and your body has many complex things tht go on before anything even reaches the bloodbrain barrier

Is that what I said? Is that your expert opinion Dr. Franky?

you inferred that whats injected stays in its exact same state and passes the bloodbrain barrier as is.
i corrected your assumption that your body does things to it before even getting near the brain. and the only way for your inference/scare tactic to be real is if someone was to directly inject the vaccine into the brain. which never happens

if you really want something to concern yourself that has some factual relevance. and not your cultish anti-vaxxer nonsense
is that if its injected in the fatty tissue vs the muscle.
the body metabolises it in the muscle and takes care of your first fears..
but if dont in the fatty tissue. it lingers there and can cause some irritation and to simplify it down.. gets all sticky and forms a fatty shell thus less metabolised as it goes around your system once it gets into your blood stream. but here is the good part. the fatty one.
once cycling your bodie blood stream wont get into your brain very well. thus less likely to be immunised up there.

so in short. your main worry is the skin irritation at the injection spot because the doctor didnt stick it in deep enough
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
I would tell you that consuming compared to injecting a substance that crosses the blood brain barrier along with an adjuvant has two TOTALLY different effects, but you already know that now don't you?

i would tell that vaccines are not injected directly in the brain. and your body has many complex things tht go on before anything even reaches the bloodbrain barrier

And these are the same complex things that make it almost impossible to tell which virus is causing the problem, if a vaccine is going to wiggle things just right, and if the vaccine is even safe.

The real reason for all that other garbage in vaccines is that the immune system often doesn't react enough, or fast enough to tell if the vaccine is working or not. Throw the other garbage in, and the immune system goes into panic overdrive, and maybe, if you are lucky, the original virus being protected against, will suddenly find such change in the ecology of the body, that it won't have anything that it is interested in "eating" any longer, and it will simply die off. It's not even about getting the immune system to develop herd immunity of any sort.

In other words, don't destroy the virus in question. Simply make its "food" to be non-existent by dramatically changing the cells of the body. Of course, when this happens, it screws with the whole health of the person, and makes him vulnerable to all kinds of other things... that will have to be vaccinated against later. More money for the vaccine companies.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
In the past you linked to safety studies. But safety studies that have control groups regarding vaccines have never been forthcoming. There is a reason for this, of course. Viruses mutate too rapidly for a study to have any value. The virus is gone or has changed, so the vaccine safety study is useless... if there even is one.

Got any links for anything that you state? Wuhan uses monkey brains and anything else they want.

your own topic creations 'mothers report' was about the chickenpox / MMR vaccines

over the last 30+years there are only 9 chicken pox strains
so your yet again unresearched assumptions that these strains mutate rapidly in the space of person to person makes you look more of a fool when you try to advertise it as a reason to say vaccines don work

if these 9.. 3 are more based in the middle-east/asia area and 3 are more based in europ/america
and another 3 are dotted inbetween

however there are 2 main chickenpox vaccines can each take care of 4-5 strains

i know you want to beleive that a vaccine is made just to cover a single strain. and i know you want to hope that strains alter every month..
but the truth is that its more like a 5-15 YEAR event to cause a mutation of any significant difference that would then require new vaccine research

but hey.
the world knows there are only ~9 chicken pox strains and only need 2 types of vaccine dependant on what area your in.
but i know you will still try to push the myth that there are millions of strains and a vaccine is only able to counter 1 strain.
but thats your own ignorance making you not really know whats true
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
I would tell you that consuming compared to injecting a substance that crosses the blood brain barrier along with an adjuvant has two TOTALLY different effects, but you already know that now don't you?

i would tell that vaccines are not injected directly in the brain. and your body has many complex things tht go on before anything even reaches the bloodbrain barrier

Is that what I said? Is that your expert opinion Dr. Franky?
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
I would tell you that consuming compared to injecting a substance that crosses the blood brain barrier along with an adjuvant has two TOTALLY different effects, but you already know that now don't you?

i would tell that vaccines are not injected directly in the brain. and your body has many complex things tht go on before anything even reaches the bloodbrain barrier
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
To start, Google "CDC vaccine ingredients."     Cool

maybe start by googling
adjunct vs adjuvants
(not essential/supplement/junk additive) vs (essential/enhancing/catalyst additives)

then you will realise that there is a difference
then do some research about how 'monkey kidneys' have not even been a thing for ~50 years so kids today have no worries..
.. well unless your the 51+yo kid in question

then look at the amount of ingrediants (microlitre values) in a vaccine and then google that 'ingrediant' in comparison to how much of it is contained in daily food/drink.

then come back once you have some answers.

please atleast while your having this independant thought moment. spend some time within those thoughts to do some proper research outside your cultish websites.

you may learn something. instead of just repeating a cultish narrative.
you may even be surprised by the less hostility you receive by actually doing more independant thinking/research

lets see..

(research spoiler: theres more of these 'ingredients' in a weeks food than a lifetime of vaccines)
(research spoiler: mercury was never in MMR or chickenpox vaccines or other similar childhood vaccines)
(research spoiler: white-bread/non-organic veg contains more mercury than a vaccine. but you can just ask for a mercury free vaccine)
(research spoiler: your cultish websites are not looking to heal kids. they want folowers to buy THEIR chemical supplements, so the cutish people can work at home and not get proper jobs. by deceiving people into handing them money on trust without proper credability, just scare tactics)
(research spoiler: when cultish leaders try to tell its flock that the world is a scary place out to kill them. and the only safe place is to hand the cultish leaders money/assets/devotion. and do the influencers bidding. you start to see the real agenda)

In the past you linked to safety studies. But safety studies that have control groups regarding vaccines have never been forthcoming. There is a reason for this, of course. Viruses mutate too rapidly for a study to have any value. The virus is gone or has changed, so the vaccine safety study is useless... if there even is one.

Got any links for anything that you state? Wuhan uses monkey brains and anything else they want.

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
maybe start by googling
adjunct vs adjuvants
(not essential/supplement/junk additive) vs (essential/enhancing/catalyst additives)

then you will realise that there is a difference
then do some research about how 'monkey kidneys' have not even been a thing for ~50 years so kids today have no worries..
.. well unless your the 51+yo kid in question

then look at the amount of ingrediants (microlitre values) in a vaccine and then google that 'ingrediant' in comparison to how much of it is contained in daily food/drink.

then come back once you have some answers.

please atleast while your having this independant thought moment. spend some time within those thoughts to do some proper research outside your cultish websites.

you may learn something. instead of just repeating a cultish narrative.
you may even be surprised by the less hostility you receive by actually doing more independant thinking/research

lets see..

(research spoiler: theres more of these 'ingredients' in a weeks food than a lifetime of vaccines)
(research spoiler: mercury was never in MMR or chickenpox vaccines or other similar childhood vaccines)
(research spoiler: white-bread/non-organic veg contains more mercury than a vaccine. but you can just ask for a mercury free vaccine)
(research spoiler: your cultish websites are not looking to heal kids. they want folowers to buy THEIR chemical supplements, so the cutish people can work at home and not get proper jobs. by deceiving people into handing them money on trust without proper credability, just scare tactics)
(research spoiler: when cultish leaders try to tell its flock that the world is a scary place out to kill them. and the only safe place is to hand the cultish leaders money/assets/devotion. and do the influencers bidding. you start to see the real agenda)

I would tell you that consuming compared to injecting a substance that crosses the blood brain barrier along with an adjuvant has two TOTALLY different effects, but you already know that now don't you?
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
To start, Google "CDC vaccine ingredients."     Cool

maybe start by googling
adjunct vs adjuvants
(not essential/supplement/junk additive) vs (essential/enhancing/catalyst additives)

then you will realise that there is a difference
then do some research about how 'monkey kidneys' have not even been a thing for ~50 years so kids today have no worries..
.. well unless your the 51+yo kid in question

then look at the amount of ingrediants (microlitre values) in a vaccine and then google that 'ingrediant' in comparison to how much of it is contained in daily food/drink.

then come back once you have some answers.

please atleast while your having this independant thought moment. spend some time within those thoughts to do some proper research outside your cultish websites.

you may learn something. instead of just repeating a cultish narrative.
you may even be surprised by the less hostility you receive by actually doing more independant thinking/research

lets see..

(research spoiler: theres more of these 'ingredients' in a weeks food than a lifetime of vaccines)
(research spoiler: mercury was never in MMR or chickenpox vaccines or other similar childhood vaccines)
(research spoiler: white-bread/non-organic veg contains more mercury than a vaccine. but you can just ask for a mercury free vaccine)
(research spoiler: your cultish websites are not looking to heal kids. they want folowers to buy THEIR chemical supplements, so the cutish people can work at home and not get proper jobs. by deceiving people into handing them money on trust without proper credability, just scare tactics)
(research spoiler: when cultish leaders try to tell its flock that the world is a scary place out to kill them. and the only safe place is to hand the cultish leaders money/assets/devotion. and do the influencers bidding. you start to see the real agenda)
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

A control group, (did yours had one ?).  I'll let you read the extract below showing that they indeed assessed kids based on if siblings or family already had autism. Age of the parents, smoking, and other factors that are known to increase the risk of autism in babies.

The anti-Vax people believe that ALL the vaccines that exist in the word cause/give autism.
Hence, to prove them wrong, we just need a vaccine that doesn't cause autism.  (even though the  burden of proof should really be done by the anti-vax).
Even if Danish vaccines are different than USA ones, it shows that some danish vaccines don't cause autism and are safe.  Maybe you guys should source yours from the Danes.

I'll put here an extract of the Danish  link :


Based on more than 500 000 kids.

What are we comparing when we compare these studies? Is it apples to apples or apples to oranges?

What if one study had only two ingredients in all the vaccines? These two things would be a saline solution, and the dead virus.

What if the other study use the saline solution, the dead virus, formaldehyde, monkey kidney extract, dead baby tissue, mercury, aluminum, and other things.

Do the studies go into enough detail to determine what was in the actual vaccines? Makes a difference.

I admire the intellectual thinking you just did.
If done properly,  a vaccine shouldn't be harmful to the body (ie if it was just a dead virus with saline solution).

The same way, a blue cheese  (that has "mold") done according to the best practice isn't toxic for the body but contain something that should, in theory, makes us sick

Like not all humans are created equal, not all vaccines are  made the same way

To start, Google "CDC vaccine ingredients."     Cool
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1693

A control group, (did yours had one ?).  I'll let you read the extract below showing that they indeed assessed kids based on if siblings or family already had autism. Age of the parents, smoking, and other factors that are known to increase the risk of autism in babies.

The anti-Vax people believe that ALL the vaccines that exist in the word cause/give autism.
Hence, to prove them wrong, we just need a vaccine that doesn't cause autism.  (even though the  burden of proof should really be done by the anti-vax).
Even if Danish vaccines are different than USA ones, it shows that some danish vaccines don't cause autism and are safe.  Maybe you guys should source yours from the Danes.

I'll put here an extract of the Danish  link :


Based on more than 500 000 kids.

What are we comparing when we compare these studies? Is it apples to apples or apples to oranges?

What if one study had only two ingredients in all the vaccines? These two things would be a saline solution, and the dead virus.

What if the other study use the saline solution, the dead virus, formaldehyde, monkey kidney extract, dead baby tissue, mercury, aluminum, and other things.

Do the studies go into enough detail to determine what was in the actual vaccines? Makes a difference.

I admire the intellectual thinking you just did.
If done properly,  a vaccine shouldn't be harmful to the body (ie if it was just a dead virus with saline solution).

The same way, a blue cheese  (that has "mold") done according to the best practice isn't toxic for the body but contain something that should, in theory, makes us sick

Like not all humans are created equal, not all vaccines are  made the same way
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
What are we comparing when we compare these studies? Is it apples to apples or apples to oranges?

What if one study had only two ingredients in all the vaccines? These two things would be a saline solution, and the dead virus.

What if the other study use the saline solution, the dead virus, formaldehyde, monkey kidney extract, dead baby tissue, mercury, aluminum, and other things.

Do the studies go into enough detail to determine what was in the actual vaccines? Makes a difference.


is badecker for once having an independant thought
is badecker finally grasping that its not actually the vaccine, but the adjunct ingredients in the mixture

wow. id never expected to see the day where badecker peels his mind away from his influencers that are virus deniers.

good on you badecker. a clear independent and actually relevant question to ask
scrw it. ill even give you some merit for this fluke event of an actual real valid question coming from you
but dont let it go to your head

I'm not surprised at all. Actually, I had though you would have been able to read and think at the same time, a lot sooner than this.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
What are we comparing when we compare these studies? Is it apples to apples or apples to oranges?

What if one study had only two ingredients in all the vaccines? These two things would be a saline solution, and the dead virus.

What if the other study use the saline solution, the dead virus, formaldehyde, monkey kidney extract, dead baby tissue, mercury, aluminum, and other things.

Do the studies go into enough detail to determine what was in the actual vaccines? Makes a difference.


is badecker for once having an independant thought
is badecker finally grasping that its not actually the vaccine, but the adjunct ingredients in the mixture

wow. id never expected to see the day where badecker peels his mind away from his influencers that are virus deniers.

good on you badecker. a clear independent and actually relevant question to ask
scrw it. ill even give you some merit for this fluke event of an actual real valid question coming from you
but dont let it go to your head
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Would you drive cars if the manufacturer held zero liability for the safety of their vehicles? Would you eat food from producers who had zero liability if the food caused disease? Would you take drugs that the pharmaceutical companies had zero liability for if they caused injury or death? No? Then why exactly is injecting yourself and your children with drugs that the manufacturer holds zero liability for some how the exception?
Activity: 2310
Merit: 2073
To understand that vaccinations are harmful to the body it is enough to talk to at least one child therapist face to face. Let me tell you a secret: most doctors never vaccinate their children and do not advise anyone to do so because they understand the risks.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

A control group, (did yours had one ?).  I'll let you read the extract below showing that they indeed assessed kids based on if siblings or family already had autism. Age of the parents, smoking, and other factors that are known to increase the risk of autism in babies.

The anti-Vax people believe that ALL the vaccines that exist in the word cause/give autism.
Hence, to prove them wrong, we just need a vaccine that doesn't cause autism.  (even though the  burden of proof should really be done by the anti-vax).
Even if Danish vaccines are different than USA ones, it shows that some danish vaccines don't cause autism and are safe.  Maybe you guys should source yours from the Danes.

I'll put here an extract of the Danish  link :


Based on more than 500 000 kids.

What are we comparing when we compare these studies? Is it apples to apples or apples to oranges?

What if one study had only two ingredients in all the vaccines? These two things would be a saline solution, and the dead virus.

What if the other study use the saline solution, the dead virus, formaldehyde, monkey kidney extract, dead baby tissue, mercury, aluminum, and other things.

Do the studies go into enough detail to determine what was in the actual vaccines? Makes a difference.

Activity: 2114
Merit: 1693

With respect to acute illness and infectious disease the outcomes were in some respects surprising.  As might be expected, unvaccinated children were significantly (4-10 times) more likely to have come down with chicken pox, rubella or pertussis. Perhaps unexpectedly, the unvaccinated children were less likely to suffer from otitis media and pneumonia: vaccinated children had 3.8 times greater odds of a middle ear infection and 5.9 times greater odds of a bout with pneumonia.

The study was based on a survey with participants recruited in a process led by NHERI and coordinated through 84 state and local homeschool groups. The survey itself was, according to the authors, "nonbiased and neutrally worded."

These findings in a study population of 666 children, 261 of whom (39%) were unvaccinated, are sure to stir controversy, in part because it is the first of its kind. The scientific literature on the long-term effects of the vaccination program is virtually silent. Most studies on the safety of vaccines only consider immediate or short-term effects. There was no obvious explanation for the differences in health outcomes observed between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups of children other than vaccination itself.

The finding that vaccination is a significant risk for autism is the most explosive finding in the paper. For well over a decade, parents concerned that vaccines were involved in autism's sharp rise have been calling for what has long been labelled the "vax/unvax" study. P

I'll trade chickenpox for mild ear infection every day.
Same for pertussis, I'd rather have a pneumonia

And it is a study based on a survey, wow !  much scientific

And 666 children, if it is the devil's number, then they must definitely be right. 

This danish study on 657 000 kids followed during 13 years (for the first kids, and only to 4 years for the one joining last)  showed that there was no relation between MMR and autism.

But, hey, that large scale study must have been faked, but yours is the truth.

Did they have a control group? Are Danish vaccines different than USA vaccines? Not enough details in the study as listed in your link.


A control group, (did yours had one ?).  I'll let you read the extract below showing that they indeed assessed kids based on if siblings or family already had autism. Age of the parents, smoking, and other factors that are known to increase the risk of autism in babies.

The anti-Vax people believe that ALL the vaccines that exist in the word cause/give autism.
Hence, to prove them wrong, we just need a vaccine that doesn't cause autism.  (even though the  burden of proof should really be done by the anti-vax).
Even if Danish vaccines are different than USA ones, it shows that some danish vaccines don't cause autism and are safe.  Maybe you guys should source yours from the Danes.

I'll put here an extract of the Danish  link :

Statistical Analysis
The main goal of our modeling strategy was to evaluate whether the MMR vaccine increases the risk for autism in children, subgroups of children, and time periods after vaccination. We defined subgroups according to 1) sibling history of autism (“genetic susceptibility”), sex, birth cohort, and prior vaccinations in the first year of life and 2) a summary index estimated from a disease risk model combining multiple environmental risk factors. The motivation for a summary index was that the combination of several factors each associated with only a moderate risk increase in autism had the potential of identifying children at higher risk through multiple risk factors, in contrast to many stratified analyses of single moderate risk factors.

We analyzed the study cohort by using survival analysis (14). Children in the cohort contributed person-time to follow-up from 1 year of age and until a first diagnosis of autism, death, emigration, unexplained disappearance from the source registers, diagnoses of autism-associated conditions or syndromes, or end of the study on 31 August 2013.

The MMR vaccination status was considered a time-varying variable; children could contribute time as both unvaccinated and vaccinated in our study. Using the cases of autism among siblings, we constructed a time-varying variable summarizing each child's sibling history of autism with the states “no siblings,” “siblings without autism,” or “siblings with at least one case of autism”; a missing value category covered the children who had unknown fathers. We used sibling history at study entry unless otherwise specified.

In a preliminary analysis based on maternal age, paternal age, smoking during pregnancy, method of delivery, preterm birth, 5-minute Apgar score, low birthweight, and head circumference, we estimated a disease risk score (15) (termed “autism risk score” throughout) for each child in the cohort. The autism risk score was derived in the complete study cohort by fitting a proportional hazards model of autism risk with attained age as underlying time-scale comprising the preselected variables as covariates. For each child, a score (in the form of a hazard ratio
relative to a child with reference values for all variables included) was calculated as the exponential of the sum of the estimated regression coefficients corresponding to the characteristics of the child. The score was categorized according to deciles which were combined into 4 risk groups: very low (first to third decile), low (fourth to sixth decile), moderate (seventh to ninth decile), or high (10th decile).

Survival times were then analyzed by using Cox regression with attained age as underlying time scale, producing HRs according to vaccination status. For fully adjusted models, the baseline hazard function was stratified on birth year, sex, other childhood vaccines received, sibling history of autism and autism risk score (in deciles). We evaluated the proportional hazards assumption of the main analysis by a joint test of homogeneity allowing the effect of vaccination to vary between the age intervals 1 to 3 years, 3 to 5 years, 5 to 7 years, 7 to 10 years, and more than 10 years (16).

We estimated autism HRs (aHRs) according to MMR vaccination status (yes or no), overall in the cohort and in several subanalyses: 4 analyses, each restricting risk time to young children by censoring observed survival times at 3, 5, 7, or 10 years of age; in subgroups characterized by sex, birth cohort, other childhood vaccines received, autism risk score, or autism history in siblings (joint tests for homogeneity of aHRs between levels of each factor were carried out [16]); and in specific periods after vaccination (comparing the hazard rates of autism in the first, second, third, and fourth year after vaccination and more than 4 years after vaccination, respectively, with the rate among unvaccinated children. A test for homogeneity of aHRs between intervals was conducted using a type 3 test (16).

We conducted several sensitivity analyses. To increase the validity of our autism case definition further, we conducted a main analysis with a case definition requiring at least 2 autism diagnosis registrations; an event was defined at date of second autism diagnosis. We evaluated specific autism phenotypes by conducting main analyses of autistic disorder and other autism spectrum disorder separately (with right censoring of other autism spectrum disorder when analyzing autistic disorder and vice versa). We conducted a dose-dependent fully adjusted analysis taking the second MMR dose into account by estimating the increase in HR per vaccination. Instead of adjusting for birth year, sex, other childhood vaccines received, sibling history of autism, and autism risk score by stratification of the baseline hazard, we included these as covariates. Finally, we replaced the autism risk score of the previous model with the 8 variables on which it was based.

Crude associations between variables included in the analyses and autism were estimated in proportional hazards models with attained age as underlying time-scale and autism as outcome, including only the specific variable of interest as a covariate.

Data management and statistical analyses were conducted by using SAS, version 9.4; the figures were created by using R, version 3.5.1. All Cox regressions were fitted by using the SAS PHREG procedure with the Breslow option for handling ties. Cumulative risks were calculated from the Kaplan-Meier estimates using the survfit function in R with the log-log option for confidence limits.

Based on more than 500 000 kids.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
science with actual trained people diagnosing

questionaire to herbal remedy loving parents asking:
do they think their kid is:
[ ] autistic
[✓] their special lil munchkin

and badecker thinks if a parents ticks 'their lil munchkin. then suddenly thats enough to be badecker science proof

funny part is where are the 666 questionaires 'court proof' signed under penalty of perjury to which badecker always demands..
oh wait he doesnt want proof for things that favour his cults beliefs
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

With respect to acute illness and infectious disease the outcomes were in some respects surprising.  As might be expected, unvaccinated children were significantly (4-10 times) more likely to have come down with chicken pox, rubella or pertussis. Perhaps unexpectedly, the unvaccinated children were less likely to suffer from otitis media and pneumonia: vaccinated children had 3.8 times greater odds of a middle ear infection and 5.9 times greater odds of a bout with pneumonia.

The study was based on a survey with participants recruited in a process led by NHERI and coordinated through 84 state and local homeschool groups. The survey itself was, according to the authors, "nonbiased and neutrally worded."

These findings in a study population of 666 children, 261 of whom (39%) were unvaccinated, are sure to stir controversy, in part because it is the first of its kind. The scientific literature on the long-term effects of the vaccination program is virtually silent. Most studies on the safety of vaccines only consider immediate or short-term effects. There was no obvious explanation for the differences in health outcomes observed between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups of children other than vaccination itself.

The finding that vaccination is a significant risk for autism is the most explosive finding in the paper. For well over a decade, parents concerned that vaccines were involved in autism's sharp rise have been calling for what has long been labelled the "vax/unvax" study. P

I'll trade chickenpox for mild ear infection every day.
Same for pertussis, I'd rather have a pneumonia

And it is a study based on a survey, wow !  much scientific

And 666 children, if it is the devil's number, then they must definitely be right. 

This danish study on 657 000 kids followed during 13 years (for the first kids, and only to 4 years for the one joining last)  showed that there was no relation between MMR and autism.

But, hey, that large scale study must have been faked, but yours is the truth.

Did they have a control group? Are Danish vaccines different than USA vaccines? Not enough details in the study as listed in your link.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
and whats missing

those 'home/birth' 'home schooled' parents who dont believe in medicine .. dont go to doctors to even get their kid diagnosed as autistic. they instead shelter them at home and just call them their special lil munchin and try feeding them wheatgrass soup thinking it will cure them

thus numbers of unvaccinated kids wont show as having much/any medical history because they avoid doctors to not have their actual illnesses recorded
these parents are the ones that dont want to have their kids branded/defined/diagnosed

But you were in the test, right?     Grin
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1693

With respect to acute illness and infectious disease the outcomes were in some respects surprising.  As might be expected, unvaccinated children were significantly (4-10 times) more likely to have come down with chicken pox, rubella or pertussis. Perhaps unexpectedly, the unvaccinated children were less likely to suffer from otitis media and pneumonia: vaccinated children had 3.8 times greater odds of a middle ear infection and 5.9 times greater odds of a bout with pneumonia.

The study was based on a survey with participants recruited in a process led by NHERI and coordinated through 84 state and local homeschool groups. The survey itself was, according to the authors, "nonbiased and neutrally worded."

These findings in a study population of 666 children, 261 of whom (39%) were unvaccinated, are sure to stir controversy, in part because it is the first of its kind. The scientific literature on the long-term effects of the vaccination program is virtually silent. Most studies on the safety of vaccines only consider immediate or short-term effects. There was no obvious explanation for the differences in health outcomes observed between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups of children other than vaccination itself.

The finding that vaccination is a significant risk for autism is the most explosive finding in the paper. For well over a decade, parents concerned that vaccines were involved in autism's sharp rise have been calling for what has long been labelled the "vax/unvax" study. P

I'll trade chickenpox for mild ear infection every day.
Same for pertussis, I'd rather have a pneumonia

And it is a study based on a survey, wow !  much scientific

And 666 children, if it is the devil's number, then they must definitely be right. 

This danish study on 657 000 kids followed during 13 years (for the first kids, and only to 4 years for the one joining last)  showed that there was no relation between MMR and autism.

But, hey, that large scale study must have been faked, but yours is the truth.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
and whats missing

those 'home/birth' 'home schooled' parents who dont believe in medicine .. dont go to doctors to even get their kid diagnosed as autistic. they instead shelter them at home and just call them their special lil munchin and try feeding them wheatgrass soup thinking it will cure them

thus numbers of unvaccinated kids wont show as having much/any medical history because they avoid doctors to not have their actual illnesses recorded
these parents are the ones that dont want to have their kids branded/defined/diagnosed

(lets play badeckers warped mindset)
if you avoid all traffic camera's and bought a car with cash. you can be studied that traffic lights and credit card receipts cause car accidents because only people who bought cars/witnessed by cameras get into accidents. and theres no proof you even have a car nor ever been on the road.. so your immortal to car accidents

.... until you actually do get in a car accident off camera with your cash bought car.
then you will deny its a car accident but instead a 'freeman vehicle of conveyence' thus deny any accident occured.

but reality is your in pain with injuries due to an incident that happened with someone elses vehicle hitting yours

yes you will avoid going to a hospital to get treatment.. but your still in pain. .. and ofcourse stil denying you are injured because there is no medical diagnoses or addmission record or proof of an accident..

your warped mind will be trying to shout that you are 100% perfectly fine and there is no proof otherwise.. while reality is your bleeding and limping

no matter how you word play to try to avoid the scope of reality, doesnt make your reality the real one

and thats the funny part
your cultish freeman esq  amateur brain cant even comprehend that your freeman script are not even following 'common' practices of reality.. although they try to fool you into thinking their scripts are common amungst the majority of world population
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
This study shows nothing about Covid-19. However, the study suggests (between the lines) that people who have been vaccinated are probably catching Covid faster, and are having a worse time of it.

Go to the site to download a PDF of it or print it clearly.

First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have a...

The first-ever, peer-review study has been published comparing total-health in vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Dr. Anthony Mawson led a research team that investigated the relationship between vaccination exposures and acute or chronic illnesses in home-schooled children. The vaccinated children had a much higher rate of autism and ADHD, at a rate of 470% higher than those who received no shots.  Vaccinated children were also more vulnerable to allergies and eczema. Unvaccinated children contract mild childhood diseases more frequently, but their vaccinated counterparts suffer pneumonia and ear infections more frequently. The finding that vaccination introduces a significant risk for autism is devastating to the vaccine industry and, therefore, will be vigorously attacked. –GEG

Pilot Comparative Study on the Health of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated 6-12 Year Old US Children

In a development that autism parents have long anticipated, the first-ever, peer-reviewed study comparing total health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children was released on line yesterday. According to sources close to the project, the study had been reviewed and accepted by two different journals, both of which pulled back on their approval once the political implications of the findings became clear. That's largely because, as parents have long expected, the rate of autism is significantly higher in the vaccinated group, a finding that could shake vaccine safety claims just as the first president who has ever stated a belief in a link between vaccines and autism has taken office.

Working in partnership with the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI), Dr. Anthony Mawson led a research team that investigated the relationship between vaccination exposures and a range of over 40 acute and chronic illnesses in home schooled children, a population chosen for its high proportion of unvaccinated children. Surveying families in four states–Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oregon—the study (officially titled Vaccination and Health Outcomes: A Survey of 6- to 12-year-old Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children based on Mothers' Reports), reported a number of startling findings.

Vaccinated children were significantly more likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder: most notably, the risk of being affected by an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) was 4.7 fold higher in vaccinated children; as well, ADHD risk was 4.7 fold higher and learning disability risk was 3.7 fold higher. Overall, the vaccinated children in the study were 3.7 times more likely to have been diagnosed with some kind of neurodevelopmental disorder.

Vaccinated children were also significantly more likely to be diagnosed with an immune-related disorder. The risk of allergic rhinitis (commonly known as hay fever) was over 30 times higher in vaccinated children, while the risk of other allergies was increased 3.9 fold and the eczema risk was increased 2.4 fold.

With respect to acute illness and infectious disease the outcomes were in some respects surprising.  As might be expected, unvaccinated children were significantly (4-10 times) more likely to have come down with chicken pox, rubella or pertussis. Perhaps unexpectedly, the unvaccinated children were less likely to suffer from otitis media and pneumonia: vaccinated children had 3.8 times greater odds of a middle ear infection and 5.9 times greater odds of a bout with pneumonia.

The study was based on a survey with participants recruited in a process led by NHERI and coordinated through 84 state and local homeschool groups. The survey itself was, according to the authors, "nonbiased and neutrally worded."

These findings in a study population of 666 children, 261 of whom (39%) were unvaccinated, are sure to stir controversy, in part because it is the first of its kind. The scientific literature on the long-term effects of the vaccination program is virtually silent. Most studies on the safety of vaccines only consider immediate or short-term effects. There was no obvious explanation for the differences in health outcomes observed between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups of children other than vaccination itself.

The finding that vaccination is a significant risk for autism is the most explosive finding in the paper. For well over a decade, parents concerned that vaccines were involved in autism's sharp rise have been calling for what has long been labelled the "vax/unvax" study. Public health officials such as Paul Offit have resisted these calls with claims that a comparative study of autism risk and other health outcomes in unvaccinated and vaccinated children would be retrospectively impossible and prospectively unethical.

Despite opposition from those like Offit, attempts to launch a formal vax/unvax study have been made for many years. In 2006, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D, NY) authored what is now called Vaccine Safety Study Act. Said Maloney to the opponents, "Maybe someone in the medical establishment will show me why this study is a bad idea, but they haven't done it yet." In 2007, Generation Rescue (one of the Mawson study's sponsors) retained a market research firm to undertake a similar survey (it is available on line and had similar findings but was never published in a scientific journal).

Less formal surveys focused on whether or not autism was present in the unvaccinated have also been undertaken in unusual populations, including the Amish and the patients of alternative health practitioners. Age of Autism founder Dan Olmsted investigated autism in the Amish, who vaccinate less frequently. Autism is rare among the Amish and the only autistic Amish children we discovered were also vaccinated. (Others reported cases in Amish children with birth defects, but not "idiopathic autism," the kind that occurs in otherwise typical children who are the heart of the current epidemic). The late Mayer Eisenstein reported in his HomeFirst practice in Chicago that he delivered more than 15,000 babies at home, and thousands of them were never vaccinated. Of these unvaccinated children, none had autism.

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