All the above nicknames he mentioned are legit supporters and have done a lot for Quark.
Here is a proof released by core members where he tries to pull a scam:
Now that's not as hard as it sounds and its not as hard work.
This can be done in a number of ways.
What is the aim ?
To make us all 100%s of gains, and to have fun, then to optionally put some of that profit into a Quark reserve just because at this level QRK is much more likely to double than BTC.
So we can individually use as much or little capital as we have and as long as we work as a team it will work just fine.
*So whats the plan ? *
Anything and everything.
I propose we find beaten down "dead" currency and we use coders I know or anyone we know to undertake "revitalization".
we might find xxx coin.
We identify fundamental reasons why it's very low , they have to be fundamental and good I can do this but any one can identify them.
It must be beaten down and worthless % wise. I.e no one wants this junk.
We decide we are going take it on.
So we SLOWLY buy up this junk for say 3 satoshi For example or maybe it's 70 satoshi that all depends on the cap amount I can teach you this easily.
Then we hire our dev and pay him that same junk with the obvious profit that will be realized, which should cost is next to nothing . I'm talking a few LTC in some cases .
Then we " pimp that ride " .
We can :
- change the name - change the logo - even cut the currency reward - add spammy PoS ( people love it ) - cause a "Buzz" * *- get trolled even troll ourselves because that will generate interest.
Point is we don't want to take over the world we just want a few 100% gains .
Then we set a target and get back out realizing profit, which if we all do we should be able to easy enough.
That's just for beginnings , I can fill you in on a hilarious "master" plan that you guys willl definitely laugh at when you hear it.
But also apart from this we can make our own brand new currency , we can make X11 or Scrypt we can make the new Doge if you like all in the name of dumping that shit onto the market to make us money So are we getting the general jist?
On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 4:39 AM, Kopimi cam
there is so much volume - (as we trade back and forth with ourselves - ) and its being bid up so much ! (as we decide to bid it up)
no one can sell it because we own it all - now what happens Quark synergy has a massive market cap ! - this is amazing - ! how did it become so popular ?
this causes people to want to buy - and optional - you slowly sell out to them - that would be the last part of the scam -