It needs to be taken into account that I don't know yet where a possible buyer might be located or which banks there might be situated. Nevertheless, I would ask for something like safety deposit box in a bank where the buyer is located. Buyer could see the coin in advance. if the buyer is satisfied, s/he should transfer the money to seller via the same bank and then the ownership of the coin would change to the buyer.
Ok, i'll play along. So where do you live? Given that you're going against the well established and rarely (if ever) violated trading policies established for these coins on this forum, I'll assume that you're willing to travel to the buyer to conduct the in-person formality of the exchange.
Actually, if you're requiring that the buyer meet with you in person, what's the point of escrow again?
We need to see a good picture of the hologram side too. We'll need to be able to ensure:
(1) The hologram is intact,
(2) Check the first bits (ourselves) for verification of the funded amount, and
(3) I always forget this one - verify that this is in fact an error coin
I live in Finland, as told in the original post. I rather fly to eg. continental Europe or Scandinavia than send an unopened Casascius coin to a stranger from the Internet.
In case of meeting in person, there's apparently no obligatory need for an escrow.
But instead, if the only interested buyer would come from say, US, I would prefer a traditional bank if it would seem to work out well.
Many thanks for the three requirements.
1) For the first one, there's already a picture on the original auction thread 2) I'll provide this opportunity to a trusted buyer candidate with the condition that if this and all the other prerequisites are met, the deal will happen.
3) Is it enough that you can see it on the photo linked to the thread above?
Hope these thoughts will alleviate your doubts.