You have several options. First you need to decide, should you crack it yourself or find a service.
Option 1) find a service. You can use walletrecoveryservice (bitcoin dave) but he is quite busy and won't take the deal if the wallet is small. You can hire my service ( an American company with private investors and one of the biggest GPU farms offered as a service. We are quite young as a company, but our hackers/crackers were legendary in the cracking business in the 80s/90s and have more experience in password cracking than the age of most of the users on this forum. You could also hire the many "self proclaimed" services who will PM you in private
Option 2) You crack it yourself. First you need to download a few tools, have python installed and have at least a GPU rig to do the job. You should follow these steps:
1) get python from here:
2) Get john the ripper from
3) run to get the hash
4) get at least half a dozen of GPUs
5) There are several tools, but my favorite is hash cat, get it here:
6) Get a dictionary for your password attack from here:
7) knock yourself out. Be patient, don't give up.
And most truly of all, if you have the wallet, you are safe, nobody can take your coins.