0. Introduction:The Merit System has been around for 15 weeks now. The overall sMerit awarded in each section/subsection is a good indicator of what has been going on, but I wanted to go in a bit deeper and see how it evolved over the weeks, so that we could also see it from a time perspective in addition to an aggregate by forum/subforum.
This information has its base in the merit.txt file released today, so it is as up-to-date as can be.
The general idea is to allow us to look at the data and gain insights on sMerit distribution. The
conclusion should not be
'post wherever most sMerit is being awarded, since chances are higher'. If that were so, users should hang around Altcoin Ann or learn Russian (spoiler).
This is not a game of placing your horse where there are better odds, but rather breeding your horse to compete at a higher level. Post placement is only a small part of the equation, but the overall idea should be that of bringing something of value to the table, let’s not keep that out of sight.
This analysis shows “what” is happening in terms of sMerit awarding, but cannot go into the “why” it is being done as it is, since many more variables would need to be considered that are not available. Besides, subjectivity plays a fundamental role in sMerit awarding, and that is extremely difficult to analyse.
Warning: The post is long, so do not proceed if you suffer from viewing multiple graphical statistics, or severe headaches due to the presence of tables crowded with crunched numbers.Note: Numbers are in my local format, so '.' acts as a thousand separator and ',' for decimals.1. Overall Accumulative per WeekAs a reference, I’ve included a weekly overall breakdown of sMerit awarded in the Forum. We know there has been a steep fall overtime, but recent weeks seem to be stabilizing in the 4,5-5K sMerits per week area. Current week is partial, since we’ve still got the weekend to go to complete the week.
2. Overall Accumulative per forum sectionThe overall amount of sMerit that has been awarded is 145.572. The most awarded section is the cumulative of Local Boards (32,71%) which I will break-down further ahead, being the least awarded section Bitcoin of all (8,93%).
There is an additional 5,16% that has been awarded to posts that were later deleted, adding up to 7.514 sMerits. These are not reverted as we know from user’s merit balance, and not being a great amount overall, the do constitute a fair share of “untraceable” sMerit awarding.
3. Weekly evolution per sectionI wanted to see if there was a shift of the
share of total sMerit that each Forum Section was receiving over time, and if there was a trend. To follow this up, I’ve broken-down each section by the % of Global sMerit that each main Forum Section has received per week.
Notice that the graphs show the share of overall weekly sMerit assigned to each section, but the table with the data also gives us the weekly detailed aggregates. Tables show a clear weekly descent in sMerit assigned to every section.
I have grouped data by weeks (Monday to Sunday), therefore the last week is incomplete (first week too really, but is was exceptionally high in terms of sMerit awarding) since file is normally generated on Thursdays/Fridays. I've put a different colour on this week’s bar to indicate this fact.
Note: Do not confuse Share of Weekly Total sMerit with the Total amount of sMerit being awarded in a given Forum Section. 3.1 Alternate CryptocurrenciesThis forum section has a slight weekly upward trend in terms of share of sMerit, with a couple of ups and downs, perhaps ICO launching related.
3.2 BitcoinThis forum section has a rather steep weekly upward trend in terms of share of sMerit, but is rather variable week to week.
3.3 Deleted PostsNot being a section per-se, there is an acute downward trend of merited posts that get deleted. This could be deceiving though, since it probably takes a few weeks for deletions to occur in its full extension (so most recent weeks will probably be affected over the following weeks).
3.4 EconomyThis forum section has a slight weekly upward trend in terms of share of sMerit, with a large variation recently.
3.5 LocalThis forum section has a rather steep downward weekly trend in terms of share of sMerit. Full breakdown further ahead.
3.6 OtherThis forum section has a slow descending weekly trend in terms of share of sMerit.
4. Overall Accumulative per forum subsectionForum Sections are made up from by various subsections, so in order to get a clearer vision we need to get a drilled-down view of aggregates per forum subsections to see the composition of a specific forum section.
Each section has three sets of data:
- A summarized table
- A graph (left) that shows the share of sMerit for the Subsection within the Section.
- A graph (right) that shows the share of sMerit for the Subsection in the overall total sMerit aggregate frame.
4.1 Alternate CryptocurrenciesAnnouncement (Altcoins) rules here, with a 56,27% share of the Forum Section and is one of the leading overall sMerited sections (13,52% of total Forum sMerit). Mining and Speculation are rather measly in comparison: nearly 10 times less.
4.2 BitcoinBitcoin Discussion is the boss in its Forum Section (55,79%) and sums up 4,98% of the Total Forum sMerit. This should be a nice section to read, but from my personal view, it´s rather full of spam in mega-threads that make it rather cumbersome.
4.3 Deleted PostsCan’t say too much here, but the aggregate is just above what actually gets awarded to the BitCoin Discussion subsection, so specific weight of deleted posts is noticeable.
We cannot see where the deleted topics were originally placed to get deeper insights here.
4.4 EconomyEconomics (46,61%) takes the lead here over Marketplace (38,69%), both being noticeable in the overall Forum Share too.
4.5 LocalShare is extremely fragmented based on which Local board we’re considering. The Russian board is clearly the leader here (38,11%) and is very important in the overall Forum picture (12,47%).
With 20 local board (and an Other Languages subsection), only Russian, Turkish, Indonesian and German boards have a share above the share mean. The vast majority have a less than 1% Local Board share, and are nearly vanished from the Global Forum sMerit share’s perspective.
4.6 OtherMeta (70,90%) rules in the Other Forum Section, whilst the Beginner’s section trails along in second place with only 11,55%. This is obviously correlated to the profile of the posters in each of these sections.
4.7 Overall Forum/Subforum shareThis is one of my favourite views, and it may help discover where there is a lack of Merit Sources. Nevertheless, that depends on other factors that I cannot combine here due to lack of information to cross.
Ideally, this graph should be contrasted with the number of posts in each section/subsection since sMerit Kickoff (there is more than meets the eye to do this, and it would have some other sub-issues that would need to be considered), and also with a “quality” measure of some kind.
For example, a local language board may seem to be very scarcely merited, but without comparing to number of posts, and out of them those with a good standard, we would be jumping to conclusions just based on one of the variables of a multivariable-based problem.
5. Breakdown of sMerit by SubsectionI wanted to include a detailed breakdown of sMerit awarded per Subsection and per week. I did this specifically because I wanted to track the results on my local board, but then saw that this could be useful for general use, so I decided to extend it to all section/subsections.
The general weekly sMerit trend we know is descending, but this help us to figure out where and just how much the descending trend goes on a weekly basis.
I will not place specific comments here, since they should be based on readers section/subsection preferences.
Note: If you’ve got down to these charts, you’ll probably find them to be more interesting than all the above due to the degree of detail on the data tables.5.1 Alternate Cryptocurrencies
5.2 Bitcoin
5.3 Deleted Posts
5.4 Economy
5.5 Local
5.6 Other