I think a scammer tag should be applied in this case, or until asset issuer conforms to his or her GLBSE contract.
A contract should say what a issuer can do. Anything not on there should be assumed to be breaking the contract.
The only reason as stated in the contract for no dividends is that the administrative and energy costs are the same amount or more than what was mined in bitcoins.
Another way that no dividends may not be paid is that no mining occurred. Although, in the contract it never states in that the issuer can stop mining. Thus the mining should continue to the best of the issuers ability.
It states a way to purchase back shares from the secondary market. This is 1.05 times the average price the asset was traded for the previous 7 days. I would advise people to make sure they put their shares for sale no less than 1.05 times the 7-day average.
This is a really bad contract. These kinds of things should go to GLBSE though so the trading can be halted until the issuer stops breaking the contract. There really should be some kind of bond that the issuer would lose in case they break their contract.
Some questions to ask to determine a good contract or not.
1. Is it a loan or a percentage of ownership?
2. If the operation will be shut down, how will it be done, what time frame, and at what cost?
3. What will the capital raised by selling shares be used for? If there is excess or unused capital, can those go to purchase back the asset shares or be paid back in dividends?
4. Who is responsible if operations stop due to unforeseen circumstances. Is there insurance?
5. When are dividends and financial reports made? If they are not made on time what kind of penalty does the operator face?
6. How can motions be raised?
7. How can investors see the financials?
8. How can management be removed?
9. How will dividends be distributed to shareholders?
https://glbse.com/asset/view/FPGAMININGThis bond is a for share in a very large FPGA (high efficiency) mining operation. Bond holders will receive weekly coupon payments of the total BTCs mined by the pool less energy and administrative costs (both minimal due to using ONLY low energy use FPGAs procured in bulk at significant discount). Coupon payments will be made Monday for the previous 7 days of mining activity. The coupons will grow as the FPGA cluster is increased in size. The initial clusters are running and significant size/space improvements will occur concurrently. The issuer can buy back the bond at any time at a price equal to 1.05 times the average price the asset was traded on GLBSE over the previous 1 week.
Issuer reserves the right to upgrade to ASICs in lieu of FPGA clusters as economics warrant.