I just want to warn innocent bitcoin users.
My name is Tracie, I found out about bitcoin a year ago, about 6 months ago I started buying on coinbase and localbitcoin. 3 months ago I wanted to try trading, so I would trade BTC for LTC and other Altcoins. Everything was fine, I had no problems at first. I ALWAYS removed my coins back to cold storage after I traded. But one day I couldn't withdrawal (I could however deposit) and I asked for help via support. I sent support tickets in Russian. I sent a friendly reminder for 3weeks everyday! Never a response?!
So after waiting 3 1/2 weeks I asked for help in the BTC-e.com chat and INSTANTLY my account was 'suppended'. No reason? No explanation? No timeframe? No support ticket response?
I have had zero help from BTC-e.com
The bigger problem- I truly believe in bitcoin, that's why I convinced friends and family to invest!
unfortunately my dad and 3 other friends invested, and out of all the times I used BTC-e.com, they blocked my withdrawals? of course BTC-evil must have noticed the large deposit and after we traded for LTC and XPM they blocked withdrawals, at first I assumed it was a glitch or honest mistake. But after they didn't respond for 3 1/2 weeks I THEN asked for help in BTC-e.com chatbox. My account THEN was 'banned' at this time I COULD STILL see my BTC but couldn't trade or login fully. I THEN asked for help via support tickets. THEN my account was marked 'suspended' at this time I COULD NOT see my BTC?! And to this day they won't respond and I can't even see my BTC balance anymore
My whole life is screwed by this, my dad and my friends are very mad and I am trying to explain Bitcoin is not bad! It's just BTC-e.com is bad, they don't care or understand. All they know is the first time they invested, everything is gone! My friends are actually hiring a lawyer to sue me!
I wish I had taken screen shots, but I didn't know what was going to happen! Now I have no proof, I assumed coinbase would be able to help, NO they only confirmed lots of complaints of confiscated funds by BTC-e.com. So it's well know the FRAUD by BTC-e.com
Why me? Is it because I'm a US citizen? Is it because I'm female? These are the crazy questions you ask yourself when you become a victim of BTC-e.com
I have read endless reddit/bitcointalk of innocent people who had BTC-e.com commit FRAUD, yet still they are still allowed to hurt more user.
I honestly considered committing suicide, My whole life feels ruined, and I was just trying to help share this amazing technology.