of a framework that I have been working on since Jan.
Next month we are coming out with full access to the front-end sql user.
Incorporating also (in the new base) elliptical curve signatures so that client requests are signed and can't be
forged without having the private key.
The xbox codes are given out in the shop in exchange for Lua (Moon) which are earned by doing surveys.
The site doesn't have any form of income other than that. As I have said right now it exists primarily for
As for the security of this vanity pool
We have no need for your private key so we don't even ask for it.
The private key and public key you must generate are generated on your browser at another site (not belonging to me)
The public key is used by the miners to generate a private key part which if added to your other private key which
you have kept hidden will be the main private key to control the address belonging to the public key of
Public Key 1 + Public Key 2
A nodejs method of verifying the submitted work (Without the private key) is:
var BigInteger = require('bigi');
var ecurve = require('ecurve');
var curve = ecurve.getCurveByName('secp256k1');
var inpt = {};
var inte = -2;
process.argv.forEach(function (val, index, array) {
inpt[inte] = val;
inte = inte + 1;
var PrivKey1 = new bitcoin.ECKey(new BigInteger(inpt[0], 16));
var PubKey1 = PrivKey1.pub;
var point = bitcoin.ECPubKey.fromHex(inpt[1]);
process.stdout.write(new bitcoin.ECPubKey(point.Q.add(PubKey1.Q),false).getAddress().toString());
Whenever you sumbit a request for a vanity address you must submit a public address.
For that public address you will have the matching private key. WE DO NOT ASK FOR THAT
The private key is required by you to generate the full private key with the mined private
key part.