* * * * Escrow services are no longer available through me. I do not have the time. I recommend juggalodarkclow and johnthedong. If you're able, convincing Maged to handle escrow would be a smart move, too. * * * *It's been a long while since I offered this publicly, but I find myself with a little extra free time. The escrow sheet (with both old and new transactions) can be found at
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Ao892S4MOoDZdFFTc0tFbWVxUTZFVzVOMWxzV3pkclE&output=htmlEscrow is free, though I'd appreciate a tip, especially on large transactions.
Escrow basics:Escrow acts as a way to protect buyers from scammers, and allow sellers to provide buyers with confidence in knowing they have nothing to lose should the seller be unscrupulous. Basically, the buyer sends funds to me, I confirm with the seller, then the seller is expected to send the goods paid for (he should send a tracking number to the buyer, and while he shouldn't send me the tracking number, should confirm with me that he sent it). Once the buyer confirms he's received the goods and they're in satisfactory condition, I send escrow funds to the seller. The buyer has seven days from when he receives the goods to when he needs to either confirm he wants escrow released, or dispute the transaction (otherwise, escrow automatically goes to the seller). Should the buyer not receive goods within 21 days of me confirming the buyer sent payment, the seller will be contacted to provide a tracking number, or at least insistence that he sent the goods. If 28 days have gone by since when I confirmed the buyer sent payment, I refund payment to the buyer assuming there has been no convincing evidence provided by the seller that he did indeed send the goods. If there's dispute, I'll arbitrate between buyer and seller, and whoever has the most convincing evidence will receive the coins (sellers should thus get a tracking number, and buyers should consider filming the unboxing of the product if it's valuable).
What I need:*Escrow terms, agreed on by both buyer and seller -- you should both have seen and agreed to the amount which is expected to be paid by the buyer.
*The deal to be posted publicly on the forum. (If a seller just has a "[wts]" thread and they briefly confirm in there, that's fine)
*Receiving address for the seller.
Update markers buyer & seller receive:*When entry is created in spreadsheet for the deal
*When I receive escrow coins from buyer
*When seller sends goods agreed on
*When item arrives
*When seller agrees to release escrow funds, closing the transaction
Escrow is kept in a non-spendable wallet with enough in it to cover transaction fees.