
Topic: free Gao Yu (Read 1580 times)

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November 28, 2015, 07:52:32 PM
Chinese Journalist Released on Medical Grounds, to Serve Shorter Sentence At Home

Authorities in the Chinese capital on Thursday reduced the jail term of jailed veteran journalist Gao Yu on appeal and ordered her conditional release on medical grounds.

Amid tight security on the streets outside, the Beijing High People's Court cut Gao's seven-year jail term for "leaking state secrets overseas" to five years, her lawyer Mo Shaoping told RFA.

"Today's appeal hearing was open, and the judge just read out the judgment, and then it was all over," Mo said after the appeal hearing. "Gao Yu didn't get chance to speak, and neither did her lawyers."

"Her son Zhao Ming attended the hearing."

Soon afterwards, an earlier application for medical parole to the court of first instance, the Beijing No. 3 Intermediate People's Court, was granted, and Gao, 71, was released from police detention, he said.

"Of course it's a good thing that she is able to leave the detention center and to return to her home," Mo said. "But I think she will need to seek medical treatment before she can go home."

"Her relatives have already gone to the detention center to process her departure."

But he said Gao's release isn't unconditional.

"Medical parole in this case means that she will serve the rest of her sentence outside prison," he said.

Mo said the defense team had argued in written submissions to the High Court that Gao isn't guilty, and should be released unconditionally.

"Our chief argument has been all along that the material facts of the case have not been established," he said. "There isn't enough evidence, and we wanted the High Court to change the verdict on Gao Yu to not guilty."

Outside, police threw a security cordon around the court buildings, with uniformed and plainclothes officers standing guard and preventing supporters from crossing.

Journalists from overseas media as well as reporters from Hong Kong and Macau told to stay away from the court, witnesses said.

Gao was initially sentenced to a seven-year jail term by the Beijing No. 3 Intermediate People's Court in April for "leaking state secrets overseas,” but she has denied breaking Chinese law, saying that a televised "confession" on which the prosecution based its case was obtained under duress.

Gao's lawyers and relatives have repeatedly warned of her deteriorating health during a prolonged stay in a police-run Beijing detention center.

Gao, who has had heart attacks in detention, also suffers from high blood pressure, and has signs of a lymph node growth that could be malignant, her lawyers say.

Her family and supporters say she is being held in a place where only the most basic medical facilities are available, and have repeatedly called for her release on medical parole, which is allowed under Chinese law.

Speaking before her release was announced, Gao's brother Gao Wei said the reduction in his sister's sentence wasn't a surprise.

"But I have just two things to say," he told RFA. "I stand by the case made by the lawyers, which is that she is not guilty."

"[The other is that] I want Gao Yu to get the best medical attention, as soon as possible," Gao Wei said after the appeal verdict.

Mo said he made a separate application to the court of first instance for Gao to serve the rest of her jail term in a residential setting.

"This was based on the fact that Gao is elderly and her health is failing," Mo said. "According to China's criminal procedure law, the court of first instance can decide that a custodial sentence is inappropriate in cases where the defendant has multiple health problems."

"They are able to issue an order that the sentence be served outside prison," he said.

Gao had been in a police-run detention center since her initial detention in April 2014, as she planned to mark the 26th anniversary of 1989 student-led pro-democracy movement on Tiananmen Square, which culminated in a military crackdown by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) on the night of June 3-4, 1989.

During her November 2014 trial, Gao Yu was accused of leaking party policy Document No. 9 to a Hong Kong-based media outlet.

Document No. 9 lists "seven taboos" to be avoided in public debate, including online and in China's schools and universities, including democracy, freedom of the press, judicial independence and criticism of the party's historical record.

Her defense team argued that the document was already available online, and that the media organization in question could easily have downloaded it elsewhere.

Gao's sentencing sparked an outcry among rights groups and fellow activists, who said there was no evidence that she broke Chinese law.

Reported by Qiao Long for RFA's Mandarin Service, and by Hai Nan for the Cantonese Service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.
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November 21, 2015, 11:38:22 AM
2nd Appeal on 24.11.2015
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November 21, 2015, 07:21:47 AM
'The People They Killed Were Citizens'


Veteran journalist Gao Yu is currently serving a seven-year jail term handed down by the Beijing No. 3 Intermediate People's Court in April for "leaking state secrets overseas,” although she has repeatedly denied breaking Chinese law and continues to appeal. During a trip to the United States in 2006, Gao spoke to RFA's Mandarin Service about her life story spanning the history of modern China, including the June 4, 1989 military crackdown on the student-led democracy movement on Tiananmen Square:

On Aug. 28, 1990, they had kept me locked up for 13 or 14 months by then, the police took me back home in their car at about 8.00 p.m. I had already been detained for so long that I demanded an explanation. "You need to tell me what this was about," I told them. "No, we don't," they said.

They hadn't told my family when they detained me, not until they'd held me for three-and-a-half months. Then they issued a notice of "residential surveillance" which was in effect until my release.

I still remember what it was like to come home that day, the neighbors were all there to welcome me. As soon as I got back, the next-door neighbor, who worked as a lecturer at the science and technology university, told the police off, saying "I had a heart attack because you took Gao away, and I had to stay in hospital for two months."

Another old department chief from the culture ministry told me I was a hero. I was only locked up for a year and a half, and I was a hero.

They disappeared me suddenly in 1989, and my husband thought I'd probably been beaten to death. He started looking for me in the morgues of major hospitals, when they had laid out the bodies and started taking photos of them. He would go to the hospitals and look through the photos. If he found one that looked like me, he would have the body wheeled out.

Husband's diabetes, mother's death

Then he started asking at all of the detention centers in Beijing to see if I was there, but I wasn't. He had a pretty hard time of it, by all accounts, and wound up with diabetes. He was 54 in 1989, five years older than me, and he got diabetes as a result of all the stress and grief.

Somebody who lived upstairs from me also disappeared very suddenly. During the June 4 crackdown they were firing at our apartment building and [my husband] told the kids to get under the bed because they were firing on the upper floors of the building, on the fourth floor, the highest floor in our building. He was afraid the kids would be hit; he was so scared.

As soon as I got home [from detention], my mother, who had been through a lot of [political] campaigns since 1949, including the Cultural Revolution, when our house was searched and there were a lot of problems because my father was a high-ranking official. But this was to be the last political campaign that my mother experienced.

About 20 days after I got back, in September, she just collapsed to the floor, and we tried to set her upright. We didn't know what to do, so we called an ambulance. They told us it was a heart attack, and took her to the Anzhen hospital.

There wasn't as much equipment in the hospitals back in those days. When we got there, my mother ... needed a CT scan, and those were only available in the Sino-Japanese Hospital next door. We didn't find out that it was a stroke until we got there. When she woke up, she couldn't speak, because the stroke had impaired her language function.

A year and two months later, my mother was in a coma ... she was thin, just skin and bones, and then she died. I don't think she would have died so soon if it hadn't been for June 4.

Now, so many years later, I think that the [democracy] movement would have been the best way of achieving harmony between the people and the government. We hear so much about a harmonious society today. But what if you're not harmonious?

Maybe they don't want to reappraise the movement for now, but they could at least go after those who were responsible; that would be enough. They should admit that the people they killed were ordinary citizens, and not violent rebels.

[Late ousted premier] Zhao Ziyang was very clear about that. He wouldn't go against his conscience, even if it meant going to hell. He didn't want to give the order to the troops to fire. If he had agreed to do that, he'd still be the general secretary today.

He had always wanted to solve China's problems on the basis of democracy and the rule of law. If the Chinese Communist Party had been able to accept his views, if the gerontocracy hadn't been carrying on its machinations behind the scenes ... he would have got enough support within the central committee and the standing committee; after
all, he was the general secretary. If he had succeeded, I really think that China would be in a great place right now.

Reported by Zhang Min for RFA's Mandarin Service. Translated by Luisetta Mudie.
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November 21, 2015, 07:19:49 AM
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November 19, 2015, 10:16:04 PM
She was part of the Tian An Men incident?
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November 19, 2015, 03:56:09 PM
FREE GAO YU Angry Angry Angry Angry
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August 26, 2015, 12:02:31 AM
what do you mean?
Neo-feudal lords (capitalist elite) need to be abolished. Once they're gone, this kind of shit won't happen anymore.

capitalism without democracy is the main problem , such as china
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August 01, 2015, 11:13:24 AM
what do you mean?
Neo-feudal lords (capitalist elite) need to be abolished. Once they're gone, this kind of shit won't happen anymore.
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August 01, 2015, 10:30:51 AM
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July 31, 2015, 10:24:50 PM
Gao Yu should be happy they haven't turned her into Yu Goo by now.

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July 31, 2015, 07:40:58 PM
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July 31, 2015, 06:38:21 PM

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July 31, 2015, 02:33:16 PM
Posted 2015/7/31

Update: China - Health of imprisoned human rights defender Gao Yu continues to deteriorate as authorities pressure her to confess

Imprisoned journalist and human rights defender Ms Gao Yu continues to suffering from deteriorating health and extended periods of questioning.

Further to the Front Line Defenders' Urgent Appeal issued on 7 July 2015 regarding the health of Gao Yu, medical checks carried out on the human rights defender since that time have revealed the growth of a number of abnormal lymph nodes on her neck. Further laboratory tests are needed to determine whether the growths are malignant or benign. Doctors have also told her that she has clogged arteries and is at risk of a heart attack.

Gao Yu is a 71-year-old outspoken journalist and prominent advocate of press freedom. She was detained on 24 April 2014 and later charged with 'leaking state secrets abroad'. It is believed this charge relates to the posting of a Chinese Communist Party circular, referred to as Document No. 9, on websites outside of China. The document contains instructions to party cadres to prevent the spread of certain 'political risks' within China, including 'Western constitutional democracy', 'universal values', 'civil society' and 'the West's idea of journalism'. The person to whom Gao Yu was accused of leaking the document, which had already become widely available online, has denied that it was Gao Yu who leaked it to him.

As reported in the Urgent Appeal, Gao Yu also suffers from a variety of other ailments, including heart problems, high blood pressure, skin allergies and spells of dizziness. Notwithstanding this, she continues to be questioned for lengthy periods each day, with authorities reportedly promising her that she would be released if she admitted her 'guilt'. She refuses to do so. Furthermore, Gao Yu has been subjected to pressure to fire her lawyers, fellow human rights defenders Messrs Shang Baojun and Mo Shaoping. Shang Baojun and Mo Shaoping have stated that they intend to apply for bail for Gao Yu on medical grounds, though previous bail applications on similar grounds were rejected.

Front Line Defenders reiterates its grave concern at the deteriorating health of Gao Yu and calls for her release on bail on medical grounds. Front Line Defenders further reiterates its belief that Gao Yu's detention and the charges brought against her are solely a result of her peaceful and legitimate activities in the defence of human right.
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July 30, 2015, 03:45:39 PM
Fears Grow For Gao Yu Amid Huge Political Pressure

Fears are growing over the health of veteran Chinese journalist Gao Yu, who is serving a seven-year jail term for “revealing state secrets,” following a recent medical check-up and amid continuing political pressure on her in prison.

Gao, 71, was sentenced by the Beijing No. 3 Intermediate People's Court in April to seven years' imprisonment for "leaking state secrets overseas,” but she has repeatedly denied breaking Chinese law, saying that a televised "confession" on which the prosecution based its case was obtained under duress.

Gao, whose initial appeal was rejected, has come under increasing pressure from police to fire her lawyer, her defense attorney Mo Shaoping told RFA.

“The police are trying to make Gao Yu change her lawyer, but she has refused point blank,” Mo said. “They also want her not to plead not guilty at the second appeal, but to plead mitigating circumstances to achieve a sentence reduction.”

“Gao Yu’s response was that they could say that directly to her attorney, but that she respects the professional opinion of her lawyer.”

Freelance journalist Su Yutong, who has followed Gao’s case closely, said a recent medical check also revealed an enlarged thyroid gland, and doctors have yet to rule out cancer.

“They have to do a biopsy, and she also has … [signs] of atherosclerosis,” Su said. “Her life could be in danger at any time.”

Lawyers, relatives pressured

Everyone connected to Gao is also under huge political pressure, amid a nationwide clampdown on human rights lawyers and their associates, Su said.

“Her lawyers and her relatives are all under pressure to keep quiet … I felt I had to stay in touch with international organizations and overseas governments,” she said.

“This is a terrible situation.”

Meanwhile, online activists who launched a campaign in support of detained freedom of speech advocate Wu Gan, known by his online nickname “The Butcher,” said some of their number have been called in for questioning by police.

More than 10 activists in the central city of Wuhan who wore T-shirts in support of Wu said they were called in by police, including activist Wu Xinfa.

“I told them that I hadn’t broken the law, and how could a bunch of people getting together wearing T-shirts and taking photos break the law.” Wu Xinfa said.

“I think the authorities are a bit too jittery.”

He said police had wanted to know who had made the T-shirts, and who had organized the activity.

“They didn’t say it was against the law; just that it was wrong,” Wu Xinfa said.

“They said some people had posted it online. But if I put it online, why does it matter? It’s not harmful to anyone,” he added.

'Miscarriage of justice'

Wu, 42, known by his online nickname "The Butcher," was initially detained by police during a performance protest he titled "selling my body to raise funds" in  Nanchang city in eastern Jiangxi province.

He was trying to help finance a legal defense for Huang Zhiqiang, Fang Chunping, Cheng Fagen, and Cheng Lihe, who were jailed in Jiangxi's Leping city for robbery, rape, and dismembering a corpse.

The four received suspended death sentences in 2000 that were later commuted to jail terms, but their lawyers and rights activists say their confessions were obtained through torture, and that the men are victims of a miscarriage of justice.

Initially handed a 10-day administrative sentence, which is often given to perceived troublemakers by police without the need for a trial, Wu was then immediately placed under criminal detention on charges of "libel," "picking quarrels and stirring up trouble," and the more serious "incitement to subvert state power."

A May 28 article in the state-run news agency Xinhua linked the claims of libel against Wu to his criticism of the police shooting of a man at a railway station in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang in May.

Rights groups say he has been "subjected to lengthy interrogations for days in a row" since his detention, and his lawyer Yan Xin has repeatedly been denied permission to meet with him, citing "state security" linked to the subversion charge.

Reported by Wen Yuqing for RFA’s Cantonese Service, and by Xin Lin for the Mandarin Service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.
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July 28, 2015, 03:39:57 PM

釋放高瑜!最新消息,仍在獄中的記者高瑜女士生命垂危。The jailed 71-year-old prominent Chinese journalist #GaoYu is gravely ill.
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July 12, 2015, 04:54:46 AM
RT ‏@amnesty:  26 years after #Tiananmen Gao Yu is jailed again for her commitment to free speech. #FreeGaoYu  

Why do you think he shold be freed? Hes working for foreign power. Getting money from west. And working against his own country. He is working for americans. So china did a good thing actually.

 shut up your fucking nonsense and rumor, people like you should go to north korea or china to kiss dictator ass
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hyperboria - next internet
July 12, 2015, 04:02:23 AM
RT ‏@amnesty:  26 years after #Tiananmen Gao Yu is jailed again for her commitment to free speech. #FreeGaoYu  

Why do you think he shold be freed? Hes working for foreign power. Getting money from west. And working against his own country. He is working for americans. So china did a good thing actually.
Activity: 2982
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Pie Baking Contest:
July 12, 2015, 12:01:58 AM
human right crisis in china

within last 48 hours:

18 human right lawyers are detained or missing.

10 assistants are detained or missing.

29 human right lawyers are under house arrest or summoned.

2 lawyers offices in Beijing are rummaged.

total 57


I can't read Mandarin letters, so if there is any source in english, that would be great  Smiley

I think the communism countries have a democracy themselves, that limit their media to publish the news about government. The news need to be sorted by government, and ask media to tell people about only what government want.

Wow, its hard to believe it, the human right in China is at critical point while the economic is growing rapidly.
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Activity: 770
Merit: 500
July 11, 2015, 01:32:00 PM
human right crisis in china

within last 48 hours:

18 human right lawyers are detained or missing.

10 assistants are detained or missing.

29 human right lawyers are under house arrest or summoned.

2 lawyers offices in Beijing are rummaged.

total 57


I can't read Mandarin letters, so if there is any source in english, that would be great  Smiley

I think the communism countries have a democracy themselves, that limit their media to publish the news about government. The news need to be sorted by government, and ask media to tell people about only what government want.
Activity: 2982
Merit: 1506
Pie Baking Contest:
July 11, 2015, 11:19:44 AM
human right crisis in china

within last 48 hours:

18 human right lawyers are detained or missing.

10 assistants are detained or missing.

29 human right lawyers are under house arrest or summoned.

2 lawyers offices in Beijing are rummaged.

total 57


I can't read Mandarin letters, so if there is any source in english, that would be great  Smiley

I think the communism countries have a democracy themselves, that limit their media to publish the news about government. The news need to be sorted by government, and ask media to tell people about only what government want.
Activity: 1526
Merit: 1014
July 11, 2015, 11:08:02 AM
More shame for greater China Embarrassed
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July 11, 2015, 08:25:19 AM
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July 11, 2015, 05:08:48 AM
update,  total 65 up to now
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Activity: 770
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July 11, 2015, 04:19:48 AM
human right crisis in china

within last 48 hours:

18 human right lawyers are detained or missing.

10 assistants are detained or missing.

29 human right lawyers are under house arrest or summoned.

2 lawyers offices in Beijing are rummaged.

total 57

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Activity: 770
Merit: 500
July 11, 2015, 03:53:03 AM
update ,it is reported that yesterday the black Friday more than 20 human right lawyers and their assistants were arrested nationwide in mainland China.   Angry
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July 10, 2015, 02:31:37 PM
today it is reported that more than 10 human right lawyers are arrested nationwide in mainland China.  Sad
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July 09, 2015, 03:03:44 PM
Gao Yu (journalist)
Gao Yu
Gao Yu.jpg
Born   1944 (age 70–71)
Chongqing, China
Alma mater   Renmin University of China
Occupation   Journalist, columnist
This is a Chinese name; the family name is Gao.
Gao Yu (Chinese: 高瑜; born in 1944) is a Chinese journalist and dissident who has been repeatedly imprisoned.[1]


Gao was born in 1944 in Chongqing. She attended the Language and Literature Department at the Renmin University of China where she majored in Literary Theory.[2]


She began her journalist career in 1979, as a reporter for the China News Service.[1] In 1988, she became deputy chief editor of Economics Weekly, edited by dissident intellectuals.[1] She also worked as a freelance journalist for different newspapers in China and in Hong Kong. In November 1988, she published an article in Hong Kong’s Mirror Monthly, which was described by Beijing's Mayor Chen Xitong as a "political program for turmoil and rebellion". He even branded her as a "people's enemy".[1] She was arrested in 1989, after the Tiananmen Square protests,[3] and released 15 months later because of health problems.[4]

She was arrested again in October 1993, and in November 1994 was sentenced to six years, accused of having "published state secrets".[5][6] In February 1999, she was given parole in poor health.[7][8][9]

Again in 2014, she was arrested, a few weeks ahead of the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown. The detention of the outspoken 70-year-old journalist was just one of several detentions of government critics over the previous days ahead of the politically sensitive 4 June anniversary.[10] In April 2015, a Beijing court convicted her again of leaking state secrets (such as the "Document Number Nine") and sentenced her to seven years in prison.[11]


In 1995 Gao Yu received the Golden Pen of Freedom. In 1995 Yu won a Courage in Journalism Award from the IWMF (International Women's Media Foundation).[12][13] In March 1999, she became the first journalist to receive the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize.[14] In 2000 she was named one of International Press Institute's 50 World Press Freedom Heroes of the 20th century.[1]


^ a b c d e Michael Kudlak, IPI World Press Freedom Heroes: Gao Yu, IPI Report, June 2000
^ "爆機密拘高瑜". 9 May 2014.
^ IWMF, Gao Yu's Courage Acceptance Speech
^ "Amnistía Internacional, 4 de febrero de 1995, Preocupación médica (in Spanish)
^ HRW, "Leaking State Secrets": The Case of Gao Yu
^ AI, 4 February 1999, Gao Yu: People's Republic of China
^ IFEX, 16 February 1999, La journaliste chinoise Gao Yu est libérée pour raisons médicales (in French)
^ "China: Update Medical Letter Writing Action: Gao Yu". Amnesty International, 5 March 1999
^ "Chinese Journalist Sentenced to 7 Years on Charges of Leaking State Secrets". New York Times. 16 April 2015.
^ IWMF website
^ IWMF website
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July 09, 2015, 02:41:53 AM
german justice minister Heiko Maas visited the defense lawyers of Gao Yu case in beijing

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July 08, 2015, 11:18:38 PM
Censorship and free speech are under attack in many parts of the world and imprisonment as a result of exercising their right to freedom of expression. Hope she can  break each level of bondage that hinder from freedom.
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July 08, 2015, 08:12:13 PM
RT ‏@amnesty:  26 years after #Tiananmen Gao Yu is jailed again for her commitment to free speech. #FreeGaoYu  

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