Fellow Bitcoiners, this is earth shattering news: A cure for cancer may finally be in sight. Please check out this video on youtube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8SvBAjXGyQHBO was good enough to release the full episode on their YouTube channel. You probably already know this but please just ignore the retarded people that post comments on YouTube. They complain about HBO releasing this video and their cable bill being high because of this. Of course they are trolling but... ugh, how awful to post such ignorance in the light of this amazing discovery.
To sum up the episode or TLDW:
The episode covers 3 different examples of hospitals that are using modified versions of various viruses. In one example they give modified measles intravenously and the patients get results in a few weeks even though during that time they are in a lot of pain especially during the first week and the pain is in the same locality of the virus. Basically, the modified virus targets the cancer and destroys it. The measles treatment has a high rate of success. The next one they show is more invasive and has a lower current history/rate of success (maybe only in the 60% range) but it still offers hope. With the second one they apply a modified version of the common cold virus directly to a patients brain tumor. This involves cutting into the patients skull (it hurts just thinking about it as I type this) and then applying the modified virus to the patients brain tumor.
The last example they show is truly amazing. They modify the HIV virus and apply it to patients with cancer. For many of these phase-3 test patient volunteers it is their last hope after they have undergone chemo and other treatments. The modified HIV example has a 90++% success rate. They show a little girl before and after the treatment. Before she is bald and clearly very ill. Just weeks after the Modified HIV treatment she is back in school with a full head of hair. For about 72 hours after the HIV treatment, the patient is deathly ill running 104 degree fever. And then when they test for cancer it is either barely there or altogether in full remission.
It's a beautiful story and if no objections I'm going to share this as a freebie in the digital goods threads too.
Thanks for reading and I encourage everyone to like, share, etc the youtube video out to any social media you can get this to.