if you are not a thief I will then send you a s7.
Basically I am try to help promote you.
to the forum for full disclosure I was sent a pm yesterday for the op.
Since it is a pm I won't reveal it on fourm. Unless op says okay.
to OP. a cheap power place is nice
where is it?
I am in NJ, USA
My s7 and pair of spondollie sp20s use around 3kwatts and hash at about 5800gh combined.
I would also be willing to do some kind of bond/escrow to help your business out.
A bond is not as good as escrow. It is more like 25% or 15% of value of gear .
But it does stop a guy from running. I have handled large amount of coin/cash here on site safely as many as 50 plus coins at a time.