
Topic: FREE ICO Guidebook | Marketing | Tech | Legal (Read 141 times)

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I like your offer, but I'm confused that you have a red status. It looks suspicious.
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When Should You Hire an ICO Marketing Agency?

Many startup founders, ignited by their enthusiasm of the new crypto realm, decide to create a new blockchain project and fund it with an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or Token Generation Event (TGEs).

These founders are often required to assemble a team and begin their project with limited or no funding. Such entrepreneurs would be (in most cases) terribly wrong to approach a Marketing company under such conditions.

Why should they wait before seeking an agency?

Many successful ICOs have raised a lot of money without the help of a Marketing agency because they have their networks, valuable skills, and can turn to freelancing sites to source people with experience for small areas where they lack knowledge. Some reputable companies, like International Blockchain Consulting, have used freelancing platforms to find high-quality people for their operations.

ParagonCoin, which raised more than 170 million USD, also used freelancers at around $30 dollars per hour for most of its day-to-day support needs. Super angels such as Fabrice Grinda use freelancers for his venture capital firm and related research projects. Even Secretary Generals of international organizations such as Interpol use freelancing sites! So, it can be a cool place to get started.

It is fine NOT to use an agency if you can properly select freelancers and create a team with limited resources, at first. A team that fits the founders culturally and professionally can do the job very well. Such a strategy can also help founders save money on labor and find people that will stick with them after their ICO hits the softcap.

If you are a bootstrapping your way to an ICO, then you probably won’t be able to afford a real ICO agency (unless you’re already very wealthy). But don’t get discouraged if you don’t have the sometimes-stellar budget required by leading ICO agencies. With the right team, culture, and sweat equity in place, many have worked miracles. If you have what it takes, you might do so as well!

So, do NOT contact an ICO marketing agency if…

You don’t have a proper budget (20k or 100k minimum depending on the agency).

You would be better off with internal teammates you can find online rather than through third-party companies.

You want to keep all the teammates on board after your ICO

If you have the contacts and know-how needed to raise the money yourself

Instead of wasting your time, and some agency’s time as well, you should work towards creating a compelling pitch of your project idea and yourself. Dig into your LinkedIn and alumni networks, turn to pitch-promising wantrepreneurs at universities, and join freelancing sites to assemble a cost-effective team that is good enough to get you started.

Agencies are built from people who produce more value together in synergy than individually. They are comprised of imperfect individuals striving for a perfect whole. That is why many agencies charge premiums, as they believe they’re offering more than any individual by themselves.

Agencies are also more required to abide by local and international laws. They have databases, networks, memberships in prestigious organizations, collective know-how that surpasses that of freelancing individuals, and setup procedures to optimize productivity and results (capitalist vaulters!). The only real issue is that they cost more!

That is the reason why bigger companies and high net-worth individuals (HNWI) who are doing ICOs usually contact agencies rather than freelancers. It saves time, guarantees higher quality, and allows usage of proprietary know-how, know-who, and tech. Also, they can rely on legal responsibilities if they want to deduct the investment expenses from their taxes, for example. All these factors make the choice of an agency more convenient for them.

So, when you should hire an ICO agency?

When you have the budget for a turnkey solution or a specific valuable service

When you don’t want to spend time and energy creating a separate team as you won’t need it post-ICO (some ICO team roles are temporary).

When it is convenient and easy from legal and technical standpoints

When you can benefit from the network, know-how and reputation of the agency

There is also a third option. You can download Telegram and join any open groups where you can ask for ICO services. This will result in hundreds of offers coming your way from entities that are half agencies, half freelancers, or some percentage of the two combined. Close your eyes, give it some thought and choose the ones that you think are best. This might be a question of luck! Beware of Telegram offers, however, as half of them (especially the YouTube reviews) are probably scams!
Activity: 280
Merit: 0
The Economics and Financial Mathematics for the Blockchain Era / Pre-order NOW

The Economics and Financial Maths for the Blockchain Era is a book by the CEO of TSM Global, Alek Ribak ( who in 777 pages presents:

1. Blockchain Economics 101 and Finance 101
2. Main problems that cause stagnation of the crypto market
3. Solutions that would follow and we must accelerate
4. How the market will evolve over time
5. What should happen in 100 and what might happen in 500 years
6. Why blockchain founders are mostly libertarian socialists though they do not usually know this

The market price of the book of 777 pages would be 777 EUR and limited to only 100,000 paper copies. The first 100 who pre-purchase it can get it for only 300 EUR and expect it by late December 2018.
You can also send BTC at 19FFbSukTkdyFt3yqVHNZfcx6NPDjjswaH and then write to [email protected]

DISCLAIMER: The negative trust happened on this profile as we were giving away free Guidebook. No more free stuff from TSM.
Activity: 91
Merit: 0
Blockchain and ICO Education for Merit

TSM Global is a blockchain marketing company that has helped clients raise more than $280 million USD for projects that shape the future of the planet. Yet, we have negative merit on this forum. We gave free education, no one cared about. We gave free blockchain courses, rarely who used. Now we charge for our services.

Only people who would give us MERIT will get only ONE of the following:

1.     One-pager guide on whether you need to hire an agency for your ICO

2.     One-pager guide of HOW to do an ICO alone without an agency

3.     Blockchain 101 course on more than 100 slides

4.     Up to 30 minutes free consulting session by senior ICO experts

If you like to get any of the following, please go to our page and give us MERIT! Then write to [email protected] to get our materials or consulting session.

You should give merit to this TSM account!
Activity: 280
Merit: 0

ICO Guidebook For Serious Founders

Market price of the Guidebook $35 USD

Get it FREE by registering on our website!!!!!!

- Part of the content of our Guidebook for an ICO:

- Viable alternatives to an ICO

- What you need for an ICO

- The legal, marketing and technical requirements

- Content of a Whitepaper

- What investors value in an ICO

- How to promote an ICO

Example of some security tips from the Guidebook:

- Buy all the website domains that look like yours, and all of the various TLD variations of your name.

- Register all the social media accounts of all the names that look like yours.

- Setup cloudflare or other security measures on your landing page.

- Restrict the ability to change/commit to your page/github/social media/everything.

Download the full Guidebook here:
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