We have free markets but not exacly free the usa want to control everything not just in usa but all over the world.
Imagine this,If someone make Facebook ....or Amazon kind of website but even better and less restricted then it will take market share away that's the free and equal market where everybody can compete with each other with fair rules .....but USA don't like that.
For example If Im the some kind of service provider and my service not even the best one and then there will be someone who makes better product or service well it means i lose my power then i lose my influence and income.....in this case let's say Im the facebook owner.... it's not me who lose power and money but also those who are associated with my service or product.
Another example the wall street: nyse and sp500 If there is so many alternative ways and more techically developed services and products...well it takes again quite a lot away from market share.
In the world everything is peacful until nobody don't try to show any will to be powerful more than USA.
It's the usa top richest families who want to enjoy the world most of the resources and wealth....look at NYC there living world richest people and they have money.
The USA see other nations as servants...and they are not interested about any free market because that would make those who are smarter or better to win they might create better services and better systems then USA has the banking the cryptocurrenciey exchangers and all the others... those who are in power now don't like that.
And If you are better on something then usa will always hire you and you work for USA and usa will brag about this idea to all over world but little do the world knows that idea was developed out of USA.
That's why the cia and fbi are all over the world to protect monopoly of usa
(so god bless america and let's bring the democratic rule all over the world )
So the current regime knows the only way to protect monopoly and one family power is to place control all over the world more over the people to track each of your moves and making you to obey for more rules....non of that would not happening If the elite feel fear that other people want get power aswell.
I understood very well about guys like George Bush and all the others ....they are not very talented of anything and not educated of anything useful with skills .....so they know If world will be eqaul playground with equal opportunities then nobody don't need to hold food on the table who does not have value for the rest of the society....so in otherwords in usa there is a lot OLDSCHOOL style guys whos not very innovative and smart they can't even calculate easy numbers on their head ...but they want good life and they want to have wealth and only way they can Do it it's by power and If they don't know something or no skills they just pay for skilled people with dollar.
So the subject like dollar lose power it's serious matter and it Sounds like you are going to take food from the people who are in power becouse of dollar ...this is so serious that could trigger nuclear war when usa will strike first and interupt other countries military system because most of the Parts of all the weapons around the world are from germany or usa so usa knows very very well about other countries system like russia.
Btw.... All the USA military system and equipment are built by germany enginers who usa took on payroll after ww2
So If anyone tell thats UK who control world that's wrong the USA is number one and UK is number 2 but UK act Under the USA authority
I'll give you my personal opinion. Your assumption may be valid for critical markets, but not for mass solutions. Today, there are a lot of analogs of the same Amazon, a lot of local services of different scales....
I understand the desire of the state to secure critical markets, such as oil, nuclear fuel, weapons. But these are specific markets that have no consumers on a global scale. So, in my opinion, your assumption, if there is any, does not apply to mass products.
And if you study the market, many countries regulate, subsidize and support their suppliers of such services, and the US is only one of those countries.