Is there a low power usage (like 20 kWh a day or throttleable power, or mining that can be turned on and off), not too hot, not too loud, not too expensive hardware system to slowly mine Bitcoin?
I purchased a new house with an overkill solar system. I’m also on a grandfathered net metering electric company plan where they store any power as credit I can use for up to a year at no cost.
I generate an extra 600kwh more power each month than I use. Right now I have a credit of 7,200kwh that I can use and I get another 600kwh each month (even with charging my ev). It’s use it or lose it.
Is there a slow mining, low power usage or possible one that can be turned on or off, with a timer, and not loud system, that’s not crazy expensive to slowly mine Bitcoin? I live in a very expensive power area (Hawaii 40 cents per kw) and I just let this power go to the power company for free. Even if Bitcoin mining slowly only effectively makes me 10 cents per kW then it’s still $60 a month.
A serious thank you in advance of anyone can give guidance and opinions on this.
I am going to help you run some math first, 600kWh is really nothing as far as miners with decent profit-creating ability are concerned, the average will be in the 3kw range which means nothing more than 200 hours a month, guess what? this does match your $60 a month based on today's number, 100th M30s++ or S19 pro will make you 60$ roughly 37.5 cents an hour, so that x 200 = $75.
But let's look at the downside, that gear will cost you nearly $1500, so you are looking at 1.7 years ROI (everything else not taken into account), besides, those gears are pretty loud if they run on stock air cooling, so more money will have to be spent on some other type of liquid cooling.
You could be looking at the small USB sticks that need 200-300w and do 2-3 terahash, those are expensive, very low in hashrate, but are indeed very quiet.
If you could overcome the noise issue and can do large miners, things might be doable with some underclocking, better efficiency, and lower noise, a possible shot at getting ROI in less than 2 years then keeping the miners alive to generate some income, or, buy old gears, 3 S9s for pretty cheap (probably 400$ for 3 of them) underclocked to 10th each, they can run for 230-240 hours and make you 20-25$ a month, this will be a bit faster ROI, and less initial investment.
Also, I am not sure how your 600kWh is reached, but it would be best to let it accumulate and then run the miner in the last 7-8 days (you are going to run some math) instead of the on-offs which can damage your mining gears.