They are all free bots people are downloading from other websites and reselling.
I put the best two I tried together in a package for you guys.
The first is a Basic bot. It basically just randomizes the selection of tiles.
The second is the Advanced bot. You can program your tile selection strategy as well as a betting pattern.
I made some money with the Advanced Bot.
The betting strategy is a popular spreadsheet online that people are downloading and calling their own.
I used it with the Advance Bot and it worked out for a profit.
People are charging from $5 to $25 for these free Bots. Here is the link to download them free.!W4EDgZLA!3vO6ITboI_YUKgzOOmqWo7KtAUqZiuRQbQ81YLIuzm8
Copy and paste the whole link.
Please remember to bet within your budget.