Congrats with your wins! It has nothing to do with your premium membership but is just based on luck! As you, I have locked my FUN tokens (currently for 15 days @45% and after that I will lock 5000 tokens for 1 year also). Keep rolling and hopefully you will get lucky again soon.
Yes I read the 45% offer, however, it is worth to lock over longer period for me.
I thought I got the big winnings due to premium benefits. May be there is some affect of it and may be it's not.

Usually I let up to a week's worth of rolls build up, then roll them all out at once, so once in a while I get a win that enables me to buy 100 FUN. I've locked my FUN tokens away for the next twelve months and any funds I get from the WOF I'm using to buy more FUN (more FUN = more rolls = more FUN) in lots of 100 FUN.
Dam, that's cool man. This is a good strategy and I think I will follow this one. I did not know that rolls get build up if we don't use them?
Usually the one which used to get over promotional email was valid for couple of days only.
Is it like those WoF from the premium side never expires?