One warning: If you're trying to fool advertisers on the offers, expect them not to pay.
They don't like proxies, fake data, people who install their software on virtual machines or sandboxes, etc., and they're good at catching it.
Sometimes I think they're "too good" and like any anti-fraud system that is "too good", it returns false positives.
Great! Could you post examples offers/rewards? Just want to know how much one can earn?
Offers start at 50,000 Satoshis and go to 10-15 millions in case of mobile offers or trials, but I advise you to keep away from those, because the mobiles charge money in your cell, the trials you need a CC.
Offers depend on which country you're in, so it's hard to give you examples.
One example: Add Flixster to your facebook account, they give you 1 or 2 free movies for you to watch and we credit you 130,000 Satoshis for that offer. This one is for US only if I'm not mistaken.
I am in US and have good idea how offers work, for example i used to sign up with my credit card for a trial offer and got paid $20-25 per offer 1 full credit as they used to call them, do you offer anything that is close to given example?