I do not think so. Le Pen will never get more than half of the votes, this is just impossible. You have Macron at about 24%, add to this Hamon's 6%, Mélenchon's 19% and you are already at 49%. Considering that half of the Fillon's votes should go to Macron, or about 10%, you are at 59%. And here you are, with a Macron president.
And in two weeks there will not be any attack anyway.
Macron will win, and there is no doubt about it. But your stats are flawed. You are assuming that everyone who turned up to vote for Mélenchon and Hamon are going to do the same during the 2nd round. I don't think so. Mélenchon is far-left and his supporters are not that excited about Macron. A large part of the leftist voters are going to abstain from the 2nd round.