There is that which can be said about climate change. The climate changes, and has always changed. But if it had ever changed drastically enough for a long enough period, life would have disappeared from the earth long ago.
For a long time, now, people have attempted to influence the climate. Ages ago bonfires were made with certain chemicals burned, with the hopes that the skies would let down their rain. Did it work? Perhaps a little.
Later, with airplanes, actual seeding of the skies did seem to produce rain, somewhat. Yet, this was a local event that didn't really affect climate very much, if at all.
Later, as large nations taxed their people, and the fiat/debt banking system was developed to steal even more money from the people than they were taxed, nations finally had enough money to buy cheap labor from the people so that they (the nations) could effect long-range and long-time bombardment of the atmosphere with chemicals. This bombardment was done for several reason, not the least of which was necessarily climate change.
In America, the chemtrails of today are effecting a climate change. The exact result desired by those who spray the skies with their aluminum and barium is unknown. However, since aluminum and barium are poisonous to plant and animal life, along with whatever climate change is happening, people are dying. At best, people are becoming weaker as they eat foods that have absorbed the aluminum and barium.
The rate and amounts of chemtrail spraying have been increasing dramatically within the last 10 years. Either nature is fighting back, and the desired climate change results are not happening as desired, or people are becoming more and more aware of what government is doing to them, so government has to speed its program up to make sure it happens before too many people wake up and stop government.
More than likely, both of these, and other things, as well, are in the agenda that government and its controllers are working and foisting on the people.
The earth is being destroyed... at least as far as its ability to maintain life. And part of the destroying is being done through the efforts of climate change controllers who don't really know what they are doing. It is time for us, the common people, to get back into the Bible, turning to God for strength and help, so that we can put down the destroyers of the earth in the government and beyond.