I did that and the .10 BTC is still showing `sent on' my Electrum. I am not sure I understand.
Here is an e-mail I got from Trezor support.
I am not sure I understand. If it's not on my Electrum because I sent it to my Trezor address, and it is not registered on my Trezor, but it is sitting on the blockchain as a finalized transaction, then Where is it?
Thank you for the TX id, now I see where the problem is, the 0,1 BTC was sent from the given address app 2 hours after received (Sept. 8, 4:25 AM)
https://btc-bitcore1.trezor.io/address/1PZz1GAhtVx4nWg4Me85jFe3Xg3anoGPLRThe address is empty and therefore your balance isn'ŧ reflecting this amount, it's simply not there anymore, you must have sent this outside the address.
end Paste:
My questions.
1. How can a BTC be sent AFTER it was received?
2. If the address is empty and I send .1 BTC to it shouldn't it now have .1 BTC?
3. If it is not there, then Where is it?
4. What does it mean `sent outside of the address?'
Thanks for your initial response