I'd be a buyer at half the prices you're offering. Don't mean to crap on your thread but I can either buy an eruptor blade for 42 BTC or buy 6 of your Cairnsmore's at 42 BTC. The blade will do 13 Ghash/s and the Cairnsmore's just under 5 Ghash/s, that's not even in the same ballpark. Yeah, fpga's can be re-purposed but that's a selling point to maybe 1 out of 100 people.
I don't mind you saying what you are saying or making your offers.
The fact of the matter is that these items appeal to more people because it is easier to come up with 3 BTC to 7 BTC then it is to come up with 42 BTC... and it's not such a big financial risk. People can make these bite sized purchases much easier.
Thats why I bought them instead of a Eruptor Blade (which, lets face it is kind of a hack.. its not meant to run stund alone so you have to kludge it together) -- to each his own, but you can get in on these at a much cheaper price point and they are proven and require no hacking to operate.
As always, buy what you think is a best fit for you. Not forcing anything upon anyone