
Topic: FTX Trading Ltd.- mjenjačnica kriptovalute (Read 152 times)

Activity: 5
Merit: 5
April 12, 2023, 08:15:02 AM
zahvaljujem na odgovorima .
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Activity: 2730
Merit: 7065
FTX EU je regulisana na Kipru od njhovog državnog regulatora, CySEC. Ovdje su informacije o licensi >
Dvije zvanične stranice su i Koliko vidim, tebe email navodi da ideš na ovu drugu.

Licensa za ovu Evropsku ispostavu FTX-a je naravno oduzeta u Novembru nakon što je mjenačnica bankrotirala.

Ima dosta članaka o tome da trebaju početi isplate za korisnike ali u EURO. Dakle ne vračaju kripto, već se moraš registrovati, uraditi KYC, popuniti šta već treba od formulara, itd.
Evo jedan od članaka npr., >

Ono što mi je zanimljivo u ovom članku je sljedeće:
Withdrawals will be available only to customers of FTX EU LTD who opened their accounts through, after March 7, 2022).  This announcement does not relate to any customers of any other FTX group businesses, even if such customers are located in Europe.

Važi samo za korisnike mjenačnice koji su tamo imali nalog od 7 Marta 2022 i nadalje. Ne vrijedi za bilo koje druge FTX domene bez obzira da li si u EU ili ne.
Evo i zvaničnog obavještenja Kiparskog regulatora povodom odluke da se počinje sa isplatama za EU korisnike.

Dijelim dkbit98 mišljenje da vjerovatno nije nikakva prevara u pitanju. Ali bi na tvom mjesto utipkao pravu stranicu onako kako je prikazana na onom prvom CySEC linku kojeg sam potavio, bez klikanja na email linkove. Budi pažljiv i sretno!   
Activity: 2212
Merit: 7064
da li se radi o fake , da li treba zanemariti ovaj e-mail
Mislim a nije fake email, dobio sam i ja nešto slično of FTX-a nedavno, ali ja nisam imao nikakve coine tamo a i nisam ni bio kyc registriran korisnik, tako da sam sve ignorirao.
To sam ja uradio, ali ti moraš sam smisliti što želiš učiniti po tvojom situaciji, this is not financial advice. Wink
Activity: 82
Merit: 46
Jesi 100% siguran da imas EU a ne US account? Meni taj tvoj email zvuci sumnjivo, zasto bi trazili da se loginas na tu nekakvu lijevu stranicu?

Koliko sam ja cuo, svi oni koji su imali racun na FTX Europe a ne US trebaju zatraziti withdrawal preko sluzbene FTX stranice

FTX EU LTD will provide to customers a statement of the balance of fiat currency funds to which they are entitled in accordance with MiFID II as transposed to L. 87(Ι)/2017.  Following completion of this process and subject to sufficiency of funds, each customer of FTX EU LTD will be entitled to withdraw such customer's balance (in fiat currency) as segregated in designated customer accounts in compliance with L. 87(Ι)/2017 and the terms of its Cyprus license 273/15 (currently suspended) held by FTX EU LTD.

The balances will be communicated and verified, and subsequently withdrawal requests may be submitted through the following website established for this purpose:  Any withdrawal requests will be subject to customary know-your-customer and anti-money-laundering checks, and a customer's withdrawal may be delayed if bank or other account details have not been sufficiently verified.  Each customer of FTX EU LTD is also being informed via e-mail to such customer's e-mail address as reflected in customer records.

Withdrawals will be available only to customers of FTX EU LTD who opened their accounts through, after March 7, 2022).  This announcement does not relate to any customers of any other FTX group businesses, even if such customers are located in Europe.

Sad sam tek kliknuo na onaj link u tvom emailu te skuzio da vodi na istu stranicu tako da izgleda da je legit.
Activity: 5
Merit: 5
Poštovani ,

S obzirom na situaciju s FTX mjenjačnica kriptovalute  ( na kojoj mi je  ostalo nešto btc )  , da li imate kakve informacije u svezi toga. Bio bih Vam zahvalan .

Također prije nekoliko dana zaprimio sam E-mail s ovakvom porukom ( u daljnjem tekstu ) , međutim kad odem na taj link , zahtjeva mi da resetiram svoj stari password da
bi mogao  dalje ulogirati .

molim Vaše mišljenje u vezi tog .

zaprimljeni E-mail


---------- Forwarded message ---------
Šalje: FTX EU Support <[email protected]>
Subject: REMINDER- FTX EU LTD Withdrawal Registration Information

Dear client
You are receiving this letter because you are a client of FTX EU Ltd (previously K-DNA Financial Services Ltd). First things first:We are starting the registration of claims as a necessary step towards enabling withdrawals of balances as of 12 November 2022. Let us give you some background.
1.   General Situation
On 11 November 2022, the FTX Group filed for Chapter 11 proceedings. Chapter 11 is a US restructuring proceeding that impacted operations of all FTX Group entities. Before filing for Chapter 11 proceedings, the platform had halted withdrawals and on 12 November 2022 had halted its operations. FTX EU operations also shut down on that date as we have been cut off from parts of our IT infrastructure. In addition to that, we had asked the regulator to suspend the license in the clients' interest.
2.   FTX EU Operations
FTX EU Ltd. is a European CySEC-supervised Investment Firm operating under the highest regulatory standard in the European Union offering derivatives trading under MiFID II. FTX EU Ltd. operated independently from the international platform to a large extent. One of the most important consequences of being MiFID-II-regulated is that client fiat funds must be kept segregated in legally protected bank accounts. In addition to that, we took some more measures to effectively protect clients funds and mitigate counterparty risk that eventually materialized. We even went beyond what the law requires from an investment firm.
3.   Closing of Positions on 12 November 2022
When the platform shut down on 12 November 2022, it was and still is unclear whether the derivatives offered by FTX EU Ltd. (previously K-DNA Financial Services Ltd) were hedged by the respective underlying on the platform. Therefore, FTX EU Ltd. has decided - in accordance with its Terms of Service and acting at all times in the best interests of its clients and after discussion with CySEC - to close all clients' positions and settle in EURO in order to avoid any downside market risk for the clients. Therefore, your FTX EU account only shows the EURO balance as of 12 November 2022, 3:28:48 UTC. You will also find the closing price list on the website.
4.   How to Claim your Balance
In order to claim the balance, please follow the steps below:
●     Go to
●     Login with your FTX credentials (using the same email account from
●     Verify your account
●     Check the balance shown in EUR
●     Upload your KYC documents
●     Complete your claim
5.   Next Steps
We will inform you on the next steps once your account has been verified. This may take up to a month given the large volumes of claims coming in.
We sincerely apologize for all the inconvenience that this situation may have caused you and we would like to thank you for the trust in us.


da li se radi o fake , da li treba zanemariti ovaj e-mail

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