These guys are pretty nasty - They have an impressive back end but something is going on which we don't see...
either an employee or a dev of this site is up to some nasty shit.
They sold a few of my cryptos with no permission at a ridiculously low rate - then when I went to withdraw my BTC - I was checking the address and noticed they generated an address that I had never seen or have any access to... totally clean... fuck them and their nasty tricks man.
This is how you get aids... Aint nobody got time for that
Would be nice to get an update on this if possible. I'd like to know if things took place the way you think they did or whatever happened is useful to all that use the site, thanks.
Speaking with BitJohn now -
Basically I had done a few transactions with Cryptsy in the past - with NMC for the most part which I had a nominal amount of on a sell if it hits x price feature.
I checked in and bought some BTC/Vert when it was around 0.3 (USD) or so - A decent amount of Vert as well obviously (I wouldn't be here crying if it was 500 Vert, I would just have accepted the loss and moved on)
I tried to log in numerous times and the site kept booting me out, felt strange... When I finally got in I noticed all my Vert had been sold at nearly an all time low of 0.1 (USD) - I was flustered and emailed Crypsty support they gave me a canned response so I tried to withdraw the amount I had gotten for it in BTC (Obviously at a pretty big loss) - I then compared addresses and noticed it was not my address... a new address had been input (Never been used) to which I had no access..
It was all pretty shitty so I unplugged/wifi off and let it be until the next day. Logged back on and went through hell to get my BTC off - It's like they try to stop you from withdrawing because they feel pretty when your BTC is on their site. Managed to muscle the remaining BTC I had off the site.. Still have 300 Vert sitting there in denial so they can see..
I deal with a lot of exchanges - I actually thought Cryptsy had a pretty impressive back end and for the most part didn't understand why everyone was ranting about the site and how they got ripped off.. Naive of me.
Now I am here.