Really ? Seriously all of you fanatics over ETH can not tell me how Fuel Tokens are used ?
So you all know or is it a secret or what ?
And i am serious i am genuinely curious how they work and how many of you are using them as intended.
So far it seems like literally nobody.
I think this is worthy information for those that show up Hoodwinked by ETH shills spending their life savings on ICO coins.
I am stunned to hell & back how much loud mouthy Shilling and babble spamming ETH posting has gone on in here the last year and not even 1 single person can answer my question.
You guys realize you hammered this forum section at times so all of page one was all ETH topics right ?
With gems like "Ethereum will replace Bitcoin"
All these grandiose monumental claims about the future "tech" and uber "innovation"
And now.. crickets..
All i have seen is a small superficial list of scammy APP's using ETH as a retort from the one big main shill here claiming ETH is
used.. and most were little PONZI's like the "ETH Doubler" scam he has in his SIG here.
In other words no talk of any DAPP or Smart Contract ever existed here..
All you all do is talk about the price of it and how ohhhhhhh so fucking revolutionary the "tech" is.
It's like touting a brand new device that replaces computers and none of you know how to turn the damn thing on.
And none of you ever talked about USING it.. just how much you made from the ICO tokens tacked onto it.
THIS my delusional little profiteer friends is glaringly obvious not matter how bad you ignore me or my "FUD".
THIS is what i have been telling you all along every damn day for years.
The outside world will come here and see what i see regardless.
They will come to the same EXACT conclusion..
It's so quiet you could hear a pin drop..
THERE is no talk of DAPP's or how they work ..spending Fuel tokens on them ?
Hmmm kinda funny i never met a guy who said he he used them for what they were made for.
NOPE ..all i ever heard was shilltard's spewing profiteer rabble about market prices.
When does the delusional retard little greedy facade end ? that ?
What does it look like ?
Ethereum (ETH) price, charts, and info | Crypto-Currency Market Capitalizations
So when i read that i might be forgiven for thinking there was "info" there..
But when i look at it i don't see 1 shred of info about an DAPP's do i ?
NOPE ..i see nothing but yimmer yammer profiteer masturbation about ICO token "unregulated" stock prices on centralized scammy exchanges ..... for profit $$$
Bitcoin or FIAT profits...... not smart contracts.
DAO ETH and you ETH Shill's are a tranparent joke and Earth can see it no matter how bad you hide it.
Go give Butters another million dollars shilltard's..
If you are lucky he will once again use to to Pump his coin.. then you can claim it was world wide adoption.. not a pump team pushing the coin up on purpose for..... profits.
Or will he just cash out on you guys
again ? LOL