thank you for your posts. I am now back and have some time to reply
I know for my solution we require are really big hard fork with big changes. I know that this is difficult. But this thread wants to show the fundamental properties of a fully decentralized cryptocurreny network.
I am working on a Beta version. It will take time. It will show my ideas more in an real environment. I hope after that a few developers may join in to develop it further.
You are also welcome to post here your ideas on fundamental properties of a fully decentralized cryptocurrency.
They piggybacked it on Azureus (a bittorrent client) and it was used for a while under the name Vivaldi.
Here's the link I was able to find quickly:
but there are much better papers about the subject, I just can't recall the specifics anymore.
Personally I think this is an internet age reinvention of the geocentric astronomy and the mathematical model that allowed the geocentric astronomers achieve a tolerable accuracy.
Edit: Also, a Wikipedia link:
Now consider from the attacker's point of view. If the "honest miners" are using some mining method that requires communication for PoW (note that Bitcoin's proof of work does not require any such communication, it can be done totally offline, and is done offline --- mining hardware does not have network connections, they are devices where you give them a blockheader and they give you a nonce), while the attacker is simply making up response times to satisfy whatever rules you have added, then the attacker has a huge advantage and will be able to create a chain with much more work.
Can you explain why this is wrong? Can you also explain the incentive to honestly mine when you can get much more work per time from "dishonest" mining?
Good points.
In my solution mining should be only possbile if there is a regular communication with the internet. It is very difficult for the attacker to make up the right response patterns. He has to calculate in advance all the time frames he has to add or subtract(from all the other client requests) to be able to make a response pattern, which would equal the pattern with which mining is possible.
Don´t forget, that everything would stay the same - it is only about mining "locations"!! All clients and miners can send out response requests. So you have to control a lot of this clients to falsify it.
When creating a high level design, you must follow each data source to its provider, and consider how these data sources may be manipulated, to fool victims into seeing what the attacker wishes the victim to see.
Thanks for the advice
What is your opinion on mining onyl at specific "cyber locations"?