If your goal in gambling is to make money, could that be the reason people often get addicted? Or on the other hand, if you’re just gambling for fun, does that mean you’re safe from addiction? What do you think?
Here’s what I thought, even if we say we gamble for fun, the reality is that most gamblers aim to win. So, If your goal is to win, then you need to take gambling seriously and be consistent in your approach to have a better chance of success.
The tricky part is when people say just gamble for fun. Does that mean gambling with the mindset that you’re okay with losing? It’s a bit confusing because gambling inherently involves risks, and no one really enjoys losing.
Honestly, when I started gambling as a very young kid, I did it with the main goal of making extra money for my school. Over time, I learned the hard way that gambling isn’t a good or reliable way to make money and chasing those wins was costly for me far more than what I expect, sometimes even things that are more valuable than money for me. Eventually, I decided to stop gambling and start healing after realizing how much it had taken from me.
Now about your question, I think the goal behind gambling plays a big role in how it affects a person to another one. When someone gambles mainly focusing to make money it can lead him to a dangerous cycle of chasing losses and believing that one big win will fix everything. That mindset makes it easier to fall into addiction because the focus is on what at stake rather than the whole experience.
But does gambling just for fun really mean its safe? Not necessarily as you can see in my story. Gambling for fun still involves risks especially if the whole fun becomes an excuse to spend beyond your means. And like you said, even people who gamble for fun are also in a big hope to win. The key difference, I think is how you handle your losses later on. If you gambling for fun and can walk away without emotional distress or financial trouble, that is probably a healthier way than any other gambler out there. But it still requires awareness and limits because the line between fun and regret is very thin.
Gambling is built on risks and regret so the challenge lies in finding balance between enjoying the experience without letting it take control of your life. For me I think stepping away completely was the best way to regain what I have lost all these years.