
Topic: Gambling on Bitcoin - Las Vegas Bitcoin Users Meetup! (Read 1524 times)

hero member
Activity: 695
Merit: 502
I think I'll be at DefCon

anyone get me into black-hat cheap?
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1023
Democracy is the original 51% attack
... living-wage...

LOL that term is so silly
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1140
The Casascius 1oz 10BTC Silver Round (w/ Gold B)
Why don't you change the date and make it around the same time as DEF CON 19?  That's the first week of August.  There should be a lot of people interested in Bitcoin, and I believe a presentation on Bitcoin as well. - Rio Hotel, Las Vegas - Aug 4-7, 2011

EDIT: One thing of interest on the DEF CON 19 calendar: "Black Ops of TCP/IP 2011: (among other things) BitCoin: Network Manipulation for Fun And (Literal) Profit"
hero member
Activity: 774
Merit: 500
Coordinate a few attendees to ask the cashier if you can pay for your Bacon Turkey Bravo with Bitcoins. 

Do not bother the living-wage earning cashier with your inane questions.  Ask to see the owner, you'll be blown off, then you pay with real money.
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1023
Democracy is the original 51% attack
Hey everyone - So far we have 8 Bitcoin users who are going to be rolling up to Panera Bread

Coordinate a few attendees to ask the cashier if you can pay for your Bacon Turkey Bravo with Bitcoins. 

Activity: 1246
Merit: 1016
Strength in numbers
Hey everyone - So far we have 8 Bitcoin users who are going to be rolling up to Panera Bread this Saturday to discuss how to take Las Vegas by storm in the name of Bitcoin!  If there are any forum lurkers from the venerable Sin City, look us up!

I'm going to be in Vegas from July 13-20, maybe longer. I'd like to meet some bitcoiners.
Activity: 61
Merit: 10
Hey everyone - So far we have 8 Bitcoin users who are going to be rolling up to Panera Bread this Saturday to discuss how to take Las Vegas by storm in the name of Bitcoin!  If there are any forum lurkers from the venerable Sin City, look us up!
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