The scam is deeper than you might think at first. On the one hand he would take money from players to "recover" funds. Then on the other, he would be an affiliate generating revenue from players who lose funds. So, he's earning on both sides. Here is what I believe he did to our brand . I can't prove it due to the difficulty in tieing IP addresses and names, but here's my best guess.
Are you kidding me? You came here to report a person, you said he cheated, in the end it's just your conjecture? You say someone has taken advantage of your brand and you can't stop it? It was crazy!
Of coarse he would make threats about posting here on and telling the authorities about our brands. He intentionally deposited not to entertain himself, but with the intention of extorting us to get his funds back. That is bad faith on his part. This was not about us doing something wrong ethically. This was about him trying to scam our brand.
How can he denounce you if he has enough evidence? Even you, if there is no real evidence, no one believes you. So my suggestion is to find a way to verify his identity, if you're not wrong, don't worry. You prove that he is a fraud, he will definitely get a lot of negative trust.
He didn't cheat. He played and lost. He then tried to extort us to try to get his winnings back. Then, he wanted the affiliate commission of the same losses.
His username was the same. His handle here was the same (game-protect). Conjecture? yes and no. It's safe to make some assumptions. Same username's on affiliate program and bitcointalk handle. Emails specifically mentioning everything I said.
I am dumbfounded at the extent of his exploits. I am discussing my experiences with this individual. This behavior should be discouraged. I will not be posting screen shots, merely sharing my experience.
You wrote:
How can he denounce you if he has enough evidence? Even you, if there is no real evidence, no one believes you. So my suggestion is to find a way to verify his identity, if you're not wrong, don't worry. You prove that he is a fraud, he will definitely get a lot of negative trust
I would suggest checking out his profile. He has significant negative trust. He is a highly controversial member. Take the info for what it is.
Regardless, I think it is a very interesting case of what not to do, and the extent of dishonesty someone is willing to go through to burn players, brands, and affiliate programs alike.