Laws should be enforced equally. However they are not. I live in a commonwealth state. Some laws and punishments to to be all over the place. One person nailed with possession of marijuanna on there first offense can get 5 years while someone with the same charge and first offense can get 2 years. Sentencing and laws seem to be all over the place. It also goes on how much you have when caught. Which shouldnt really matter. Your in possession period. 1 gram or 3 grams it should still be the same.
It should never be about what the prosecuters want. Thats just a bad idea. Thats opening a door to have them fry someone for whatever they feel they want.
It shouldnt be about what the political parties want either. We all know how that is already going.
What it should be about is what the majority of people want. All people who would want to vote on laws. Instead of voting on poloticians.
The law makers themselves in legislature should be bias on what laws are put into effect and what they vote to pass.but you know as well as I do. That everyone has there opinion and that is what persuades a vote for law. Its like being on jury duty. 12 people are supose to be unbias but everyone always has there own thoughts and opinions.
Laws arent much different. People (lawmakers) can and i am sure do use there own opinions to pass laws.
It should be about what us the people want and not what parties want or feel we the people should have. I know there are many laws in place that I never voted for nor do I want them.
Well, you see....we are pretty much in agreement on ALL OF THAT. Now comes the difficult part.
Someone has a moral and ethical disagreement with a law, and is willing to stand up against it, in spite of possibly grave personal consequences (jail, public ridicule, etc).
I say, as long as it's a non-violent protest, HERO.
That goes for MARIHUANA, IMMIGRATION, MARRIAGE. And countless other issues.
Public officials have a moral and ethical disagreement with a law (for now let's say it that way, the reality is often they are pushed in a direction by political pressures) and they enforce law selectively, and choose whom to punish selectively.
That goes for MARIHUANA, IMMIGRATION, MARRIAGE. And countless other issues.
So you do support standing up against unjust laws like refusing to let gays marry, as long as it's someone who can't actually do anything about it.
I am only trying to clarify the underlying and substantive issue, because I don't care one rat's ass about you spewing polemic about some evil Republican religious knuckled dragging degenerates because you, sir, are no exemplary example of Enlightened and Progressive Humans, at least judging from past posts. You are not the one standing up against anything, but simply coming along behind those who have done so, babbling, one voice in an ocean of babboons, one might say.
Let's here what your votes are on the two issues cited.
I just found it amusing that you claim to only support non violent protests, yet this whole thing started because a certain group of people were using threat of force via laws to oppress a minority. But that's okay because blargh state's rights urgh, plus your invisible sky god said so. Speaking of insanity.
Yet a bigger bully comes along and does the same thing and it's suddenly a problem.
Why can't the religious folk stick to non violent protests? I'd be okay with that too.