CoinTerra TerraMiner IV 2TH/s Group Buy
20 shares at BTC 0.55 = 100GH/s per share
Includes 12 months hosting @
This is a group buy for a CoinTerra TerraMiner IV 2 TH/s Bitcoin miner. For this group buy there are 20 shares with each share costing
BTC 0.55 giving the owner 100GH/s per share. The share price includes all running and hosting costs for 12 months through, the CoinTerra backed hosting referal service. All hosting partners chosen by CoinTerra are selected for their experience in running Bitcoin mining operations and their short distance to TerraMiner assembly plants, allowing for quick delivery, setup and configuration.
There are no additional fees or running costs, every bitcoin the TerraMiner earns will be returned to the shareholders in full, down to the last Satoshi. Shareholders can nominate and vote on the mining pool and settings that the TerraMiner IV will mine with. Wherever possible all shareholders will be given access to the miner and mining pool interfaces to allow them to monitor the miners performance. All mined bitcoins will be distributed to shareholders monthly.
At the end of the initial 12 months of hosting the shareholders can choose to pay for an additional 12 months hosting and continue mining, or sell their shares to somebody who is willing to cover the hosting costs. Shareholders will have the opportunity to nominate and vote on changing hosting providers after the initial 12 month hosting contract expires. When no shareholders can be found that are willing to cover the hosting costs the TerraMiner IV will be sold by auction and the proceeds distributed to the shareholders.
How To Order and Pay for SharesShares can be ordered through my web site, Choose the number of shares you would like and when you complete the checkout process a unique bitcoin payment address For your order will be given to you. Transfer the required amount to that address and your done. When all 20 shares are sold an order will be placed with CoinTerra and TerraMiner. If you change your mind you can cancel your order at any time upto when the TerrMiner is ordered, your bitcoins will be refunded in full.
Since the TerraMiner and hosting will be paid in US dollars if bitcoins value exceeds $1100 US at the time the order is placed with CoinTerra the share price will be reduced and the excess bitcoins will be refunded. If the bitcoin value falls below $900 US before the miner is ordered the shareprice will have to be increased, shareholders who do not want to cover the cost will have their orders cancelled and payments refunded.
I am running this group buy as an affordable way to get in on the next wave of ASIC bitcoin mining. I "profit" by purchasing shares in the group buy at the same price as all other shareholders, and I benefit from the bitcoins we mine at the same rate as all other shareholders. I do not charge any fees for running the group buy, monitoring the miner, or processing shareholder payments, its my way of saying thank you for helping me make my bitcoin mining more affordable.
If I've left anything out, or if you have any questions let me know.