We really need to get beyond this fallacy that creating Bitcoin related threads is helpful or what made this place awesome. This place was awesome because it was the home of lots of cool Bitcoin PROJECTS. People were creating asset micro-exchanges, games, new services, innovative goods... Now all people do is shill gambling sites and ICOs. There are basically no projects people can be involved in that use Bitcoin’s blockchain. There’s endless useless stats and people bickering over who started the most discussions. None of this crap matters. Sorry. Have an idea, start something that uses the Bitcoin blockchain that people can be a part of. Actual use cases for Bitcoin have become few and far between on this forum. It’s ridiculous that people have posted their way into relevance without making any sort of mark on the blockchain. That’s not why this forum became popular and won’t be how it grows a useful user base. Build something you can see on the Bitcoin blockchain. Get people involved. That’s how this place will begin elevating to it’s prior glory.
Thanks for the reality check. Inspiring, and at the same time we can see how different this forum is now.
I didn't knew this forum you talk about, as a home of cool bitcoin projects. The projects most people talk about here are the scams. Lots of topics proving that something is a scam (many times they make that research for merits... which seems to be the most discussed subject in the forum for now). Nobody seems to care about cool projects.
However, making a mark on the blockchain now is much harder than 5 years ago, when we had basically no infrastructure. Good and useful projects are going to be scarcer everyday.
I'm also exploring the possibility of creating a crypto investment club - this is my Crypto Coin Tree project, and it may have its own coin eventually - the AssuredCoin seems to be the preferred name at the moment. It does require a lot of work, and an increase in my knowledge. For example, I'm using Drupal for the basic CMS, as that seems to give the greatest potential for future expansion. The coin will have to wait, and initial recording can be done with spreadsheets. At the moment, it seems difficult to decide on a policy for mining if one is only going to have one or two transactions per day.
I saw your discussion in Ivory Tower, about small cap crypto investment.
I am interested to see this project.
What would be the use case for the coin? Would that be like shares of the those selected small cap coins?