I guess i'm lucky this isn't my project because i'm already getting anxious from just reading this. How exactly are you assigning a deposit adress to each user? "randomly"? I just don't see how you can do this efficiently with electrum... anyway... just curious.
yes i used just that when the above gave python loop,and yes i already did that successfully, and i did it without demons or rpc.
basically i created a tool to derive keys from the master key and now each address is mapped to user id so no address is reused and cause confusion, while i can still do the bulk transaction to and from the address.
and it would be still working well with electrum, mind that it takes considerable more time loading transactions from 1000 address, anyways i will be trying 10000 address next ! ill post updates here !
I really don't get it.
How is your mapping of addresses to each user id going to prevent reuse? If that is the case then the user could simply redeposit in that address and have the balance show up for him?
I really don't understand why you want to waste $880 on an experiment that could be done for free and still give you the same observations.