I want to know the difference between Cindicator and Genesis Vision.
Which one is better?
Well I invested in GVT at around $6, becouse I liked the idea very much. I don't want to shill this project, but in my opinion there is even more room to grow, and also the platform launches on the 30th of October, whic could be a catalyst of the price going up.
I did not know about Cindicator, but at first glance it does not seem similar to Genesis Vision at all. Genesis Vision is a platform where managers, investors and brokers are connected. You can invest money in different managers by buying their own token. This way you transfer value to them which they use to trade. Each of their trades are recorded on the blockchain, so you can see a detailed trading history before, during and after investing in their strategy. They get a fixed % comission for management and a succes fee, but after the reporting period you get the biggest % of the possible profits. If you wish to get your money back before the reporting period, you can exchange your manager tokens back to GVT at the internal exchange of the platform.
On the other hand Cindicator seems to be some kind of bot, that uses collective and artificial intelligence to execute trades. I don't know much about this project, so I can't highlight the differences and the pros and cons of this project, but if someone with more knowledge about this project could summarize Cindicator, we could compare the two projects.