So, here's the dilemma. I'm wanting to increase my hash rate significantly. I've been working with 110GH/s since the end of the last year, and am starting to see rapidly diminishing returns due to the increased difficulty. I currently only have $1400 in BTC available to spend. I currently have 2TH coming in February due to one purchase of a Black Arrow miner, but by that time, I'll probably be bringing the equivalent of what I have presently onto the field. So the dilemma still exists.
I was WANTING to purchase already available hardware, in order to increase my power NOW thinking it would be better to do so than to invest in hardware that's soon to be released. Unfortunately, it seems that unless I get some exceptional deals on hardware that's currently out, they'll never mine more than I spend on them.
I want to be able to keep a steady flow of BTC income. I realize this won't be possible with currently released hardware, unless someone's willing to get rid of BFL Singles (or equivalent) for about .6BTC a piece. So therein lies the question. Should I worry about investing in current-gen hardware? Should I wait for this coming gen?
More specifically, would it be worth preordering 300GH/s from BFL, under proper conditions (and assuming their shipment schedule isn't a year and a half behind like with their other devices), if it isn't going to come until February? Should I rather invest in more Black Arrow hardware that's due in March? What can I get now that fits my current budget of $1400 that will be at least be somewhat easy to get a full investment return on?
Thoughts, opinions, suggestions and "go screw yourself"s all appreciated.
Anything besides bfl. You would have better luck making a profit by literally flushing your money down the toilet. In all seriousness knc and asicminers next products are probably your best bet. Mining is looking pretty risky at this time so it might be best to just hold btc.