
Topic: George Soros : financial or social terrorist ? (Read 135 times)

sr. member
Activity: 854
Merit: 277
liife threw a tempest at you? be a coconut !
September 25, 2021, 08:44:01 AM
dear af_newbie,

I find your answer interesting and well constructed. Thanks again for your time.

I don't agree with your current opinion on nationalism. I don't think that having a national identity delimited by borders, a culture, a way of life, a legal system, and a people sharing those values is anathema to world peace or mutually shared prosperity. I may deduct that what you fear is supremacism, the ideology of one group (could be nation, tribe, skin color, language, assets, skills) asserting itself as superior to the others, and as such imposing its ways or even conquering others using this legitimization of superiority, aka the others are lame, we are better, as such we deserve to rule them. I find it way marked in the scholar world, particularly in the west...

I love that when I cross the southern border, I am in mexico, I can eat real guacamole and enjoy the way of life, language, culture and identity of the locals, and not some kind of hybrid worldwide mismatch.

For me your concept of animalistic tribalism is clearly reflected in the supermacist ideology that I explained to you earlier.

What do you think of feudalism, or neo-feodalism? Do you like hereditary rulership?

Then where I had hope is about the environement. For example I believed that norvegian salmons were clean, until the day I saw a documentary revealing that they put in salmon fish crockets (feed) an antioxidant graded for mechanic, and not at all for biological life. As such I stopped ever to buy salmons from norvay, feeling totally betrayed by the market participants there, the regulation authorities, and even the norvegian people.

What I am trying to say is that for some people, I hope most, information, unbiased and real, should, or could permit to the market to work, and self regulate.

However there is the others example, I like, it's of the last fish or animal of a specie, whose price only increase exponentially and as such rather than be protected to replenish the stock, some wicked in the market will do their best to kill it, and eat it.

What I mean is that real market regulation will at the end, exclude, and even terminate the life of those having infringed those rules. For example hiding pork in some meat meal in afghanistan, I believe will not result in a fine, toward the offender, but on swift application of the rules, leading to death. I try to say that some are incompatible with civilized market participation (ex : sex slave capturers and traders, last animals hunters, etc).

I hate the one world gov, because if one gov goes bad, and there are many others, there is way to escape the madness, recently for example most sane nation distrubted to their people "covid kits" with vit. c, d. ivermective or HCQ, so that people had something to reduce the load on the healthcare system, with great success ! others betted their own people on an experimental gene therapy falsely qualified by the enemy medias as a "vaccine".

Finally exactly, nationalism is an easy way to let people with very different beliefs (death to the pork cook for example) live in peace, as the border representing the change of "world" or culture or more exactly nation.

@Xinarae that's what I believe too, the goal of sorros, isn't to solve social issue, but on the contrary to capitalize on them, to inflict damages through division, etc toward his targeted nation. I think that his capture of the District Attorney across the usa reflects his nefarious ambition clearly. then on the plant issue I will rally behind the real traditional TCM... each plants have use, it's very hard to know how, which, for what etc. That's why it's long studies, but for example it's undeniable to any men, that opioids for example are powerful painkillers, so why promote chemical patented clones, when farmers in the world would happilly grow them? Again, like in everything it's the dose... for example nicotine is a powerful pesticide (from tobacco) and has some use in some illness... or chewing coca seems to be the only way to be able to work above a certain altitude in the andeas...

I don't believe in "special responsability", care about your home, family, people, borders, sewers, etc... there is enough to make, and then maybe if you are so generous and benevolent, explain to others how you attained your success, that at least they see in you, as they sought to seek expertship from you...

finally, the real interesting question is who is gonna pown the stimmies from alexander? ahahaha.
sr. member
Activity: 1414
Merit: 326
George Soros is a social terrorist and he is getting rich by influencing everything in a very bad way. At that time everyone made mistakes from which they learned and improved their strategies cannabis crime has not prevented cannabis from becoming the most widely used illicit substance in the united states and many other countries but this has resulted in huge costs and negative consequences. We have a special responsibility as the dominant power in the world we must take the lead in defending our national interests as well as the common interests of humanity.
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
Thanks for your answer af_newbie.

May I ask you why you fear nationalism and to what do you oppose it? globalism? one worldism?

I fear more predatory behaviors, for example socialism who will promise unfounded liabilities and try to extract them from foreign nations...

Nationalism leads to discrimination, war, and eventually to atrocities.  Every time it was tried.

It is a form of primitive tribalism.  It appeals to the very animalistic human instincts.  My pack vs the other pack.

I oppose socialism, communism, nationalism, and fascism.  I am against equality of outcome.
I feel that socialism and communism are utopian ideologies that always lead to wealth destruction and political despotism.

I am for free-market capitalism and deregulation.  I support equality of opportunity.

I think that the environment is one thing that capitalist societies failed to protect.

We do not suppose to shit in the bowl from which we eat.  
That is one area where I would want the government to reign in capitalism.

I am not sure we are quite ready as humanity to have one global government just yet.  
It is inevitable, but intellectually we are not ready.  
Animal tribalism is in a way; supported by abstract concepts such as religious and ethnic/linguistic identities, patriotism, nationalism, etc.
sr. member
Activity: 854
Merit: 277
liife threw a tempest at you? be a coconut !
Thanks for your answer af_newbie.

May I ask you why you fear nationalism and to what do you oppose it? globalism? one worldism?

I fear more predatory behaviors, for example socialism who will promise unfounded liabilities and try to extract them from foreign nations...
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468

Do you think Soros is on the left?  He is a perfect example of a clever capitalist who uses any means and opportunity to enrich himself.

If you think this is wrong, then you are on the left my friend.

Most people in the West don't have a clue what being on the left really entails. 
They call anyone who is for education and science, equality of sexes, races, or genders, or who is pro-choice a leftist socialist.  ROFL.

Capitalism is the best system ever devised but it does not mean that we have to be Bronze Age imbeciles when it comes to progressive values.

PS. Why would anyone think I work for Soros is beyond me.  Take your meds.

Ok Af_Newbie I'll give you that about Soros 100% that Soros is a capitalist but a crony capitalist at that which is where the Westernized capitalist system is headed fully. Soros funds both the left and the right against one another so he can collapse whole countries. Watch that video its a short entry of what the man does on a daily basis of currency manipulation or long term what probably happened to Venezuela and soon the United States. He does this so that he can buy assets for pennies on the dollar.

Speaking of Nazis and Venezuala, do you know what Nazi means? National Socialist Party, and yet you on the left clamor for socialism and do the exact same thing as the brown shirts of Hitler's party. The people of Venezuala were dumb enough to vote for socialist policies and became more damned economically and culturally than if they were under Stalin or Hitler. I get it in some ways we should change and reform certain things but overall besides division dictated by the ruling class and the media I'd say we have a pretty good society removing present COVID controls.

Western social democracies are at risk of becoming crony capitalist or fascist economies if they don't rein in corporate lobbying, corruption, nationalism, fix the integrity of the electoral process.  Fascism can come from the left (Germany) or the right (Italy).

Hitler was as poor as a church mouse, he was still a socialist when he wrote his Mein Kampf.  He had a savior complex, wanted to save the German Volks from communism and global capitalists.  He started his political career as a socialist and a nationalist.  But once he gained power, he quickly realized that he needed capitalists' support, so Germany turned into a nationalist, fascist, capitalist state.  The Nazi party retained the 'socialist' name from its early days.

Democracy needs to be protected from the left (Hitler/AOC) and the right (Mussolini/Trump) demagogues.  The biggest danger I see in Western democracies is nationalism and socialism.  It can lead to unintended consequences.

Protect the electoral system from foreign and domestic interference, root out nationalists, corrupted politicians, protect the environment and deregulate the businesses (no minimum wage, restructure employment laws to strip workers of any rights, bring more cheap, foreign
workers, etc.), restructure the higher education system (set up national entrance exams (SAT is a joke and an embarrassment to the world), eliminate non-academic scholarships, eliminate racial, socio-economic quotas).

BTW, people like Soros will be successful regardless of who is running the show. 
Activity: 478
Merit: 66

Do you think Soros is on the left?  He is a perfect example of a clever capitalist who uses any means and opportunity to enrich himself.

If you think this is wrong, then you are on the left my friend.

Most people in the West don't have a clue what being on the left really entails. 
They call anyone who is for education and science, equality of sexes, races, or genders, or who is pro-choice a leftist socialist.  ROFL.

Capitalism is the best system ever devised but it does not mean that we have to be Bronze Age imbeciles when it comes to progressive values.

PS. Why would anyone think I work for Soros is beyond me.  Take your meds.

Ok Af_Newbie I'll give you that about Soros 100% that Soros is a capitalist but a crony capitalist at that which is where the Westernized capitalist system is headed fully. Soros funds both the left and the right against one another so he can collapse whole countries. Watch that video its a short entry of what the man does on a daily basis of currency manipulation or long term what probably happened to Venezuela and soon the United States. He does this so that he can buy assets for pennies on the dollar.

Speaking of Nazis and Venezuala, do you know what Nazi means? National Socialist Party, and yet you on the left clamor for socialism and do the exact same thing as the brown shirts of Hitler's party. The people of Venezuala were dumb enough to vote for socialist policies and became more damned economically and culturally than if they were under Stalin or Hitler. I get it in some ways we should change and reform certain things but overall besides division dictated by the ruling class and the media I'd say we have a pretty good society removing present COVID controls.
sr. member
Activity: 854
Merit: 277
liife threw a tempest at you? be a coconut !
You lack logic, on one side you accused me of being against sorros ambitions because of his jewishness, then in the same post you admit that he doesn't follow the jewish laws.

Furthermore, I don't think you are mature enough yet to understand the need to regulate markets.

have a nice day, and be kind.

"It doesn't matter to me as it isn't happening to me follow the system... But when it does then maybe I'll care...."

this is more the mantra of western societies in general. Get injected with an experimental no liability product, but don't take prophylactic measures (vit c, d, zinc etc).

making individualism trendy is quite nice preparatory phase before that as a collective you won't face another organized group, but individuals, each rip for the picking.

trust the science Smiley.
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
Furthermore should alll people who worked directly or indirectly for any of his organisation, be classified as their master?

I think it would be interesting to move thing legally, and ban them from the universe, him, his family and more importantly minions, worldwide.

To hunt them down for what they are in my own little opinion : enemies of mankind.

His organization and all people working for him will be crunched.

Time is irrelevant.

edit : furthermore I firmly actually believe that anyone getting close to his son (alexander sorros) has to be flagged as an EoM & and if putting down sorros means to have to obliterate ivanka trump or nato, so be it. to be crystal clear.

Why do you hate George Soros?

Because he is a rich Jew and a capitalist?  Are you a communist?

Are you his PR rep? How can you stick up for a guy that thinks that during Nazi Germany it was his "Happy Making time". How could anyone be happy during that era of hell.
If I were in his shoes, I would do the same thing, and I would not feel guilty about it.

As he said, if it were not him, someone else would confiscate properties from Jews.  He was just a 14-year-old spectator.
He knew the stuff Christian Nazis were doing to Jews was evil, but he was smart enough to play Christian and save his ass.  

He saw it as a learning experience of how to anticipate events before they happen.

He was born into the Jewish cult; he was/is not religious and did/does not believe in God.

One has no control over which family or religious cult one is born into.

It seems strange that some people feel hate for the guy they don't even know.  

Sour grapes that he made his billions and they did not, I guess.

Well consider this your resume and you got the job Af_newbie working for Soros. Congratulations!

Hopefully one day you'll learn not to grovel to the system so much that it leads to your own demise. As he was saying in the video besides it being a happy making time for him. The Jews groveled to the Nazis and lost everything he said that could have been him as he slowed his roll  carefully composing himself as a slip up would cost him face but he already slipped up. I would not feel bad if the same regulators he funds took him out of business. If not him it would be someone else.

The mantra of the left is:

"It doesn't matter to me as it isn't happening to me follow the system... But when it does then maybe I'll care...."

Do you think Soros is on the left?  He is a perfect example of a clever capitalist who uses any means and opportunity to enrich himself.

If you think this is wrong, then you are on the left my friend.

Most people in the West don't have a clue what being on the left really entails. 
They call anyone who is for education and science, equality of sexes, races, or genders, or who is pro-choice a leftist socialist.  ROFL.

Capitalism is the best system ever devised but it does not mean that we have to be Bronze Age imbeciles when it comes to progressive values.

PS. Why would anyone think I work for Soros is beyond me.  Take your meds.
Activity: 478
Merit: 66
Furthermore should alll people who worked directly or indirectly for any of his organisation, be classified as their master?

I think it would be interesting to move thing legally, and ban them from the universe, him, his family and more importantly minions, worldwide.

To hunt them down for what they are in my own little opinion : enemies of mankind.

His organization and all people working for him will be crunched.

Time is irrelevant.

edit : furthermore I firmly actually believe that anyone getting close to his son (alexander sorros) has to be flagged as an EoM & and if putting down sorros means to have to obliterate ivanka trump or nato, so be it. to be crystal clear.

Why do you hate George Soros?

Because he is a rich Jew and a capitalist?  Are you a communist?

Are you his PR rep? How can you stick up for a guy that thinks that during Nazi Germany it was his "Happy Making time". How could anyone be happy during that era of hell.
If I were in his shoes, I would do the same thing, and I would not feel guilty about it.

As he said, if it were not him, someone else would confiscate properties from Jews.  He was just a 14-year-old spectator.
He knew the stuff Christian Nazis were doing to Jews was evil, but he was smart enough to play Christian and save his ass.  

He saw it as a learning experience of how to anticipate events before they happen.

He was born into the Jewish cult; he was/is not religious and did/does not believe in God.

One has no control over which family or religious cult one is born into.

It seems strange that some people feel hate for the guy they don't even know.  

Sour grapes that he made his billions and they did not, I guess.

Well consider this your resume and you got the job Af_newbie working for Soros. Congratulations!

Hopefully one day you'll learn not to grovel to the system so much that it leads to your own demise. As he was saying in the video besides it being a happy making time for him. The Jews groveled to the Nazis and lost everything he said that could have been him as he slowed his roll  carefully composing himself as a slip up would cost him face but he already slipped up. I would not feel bad if the same regulators he funds took him out of business. If not him it would be someone else.

The mantra of the left is:

"It doesn't matter to me as it isn't happening to me follow the system... But when it does then maybe I'll care...."
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
Furthermore should alll people who worked directly or indirectly for any of his organisation, be classified as their master?

I think it would be interesting to move thing legally, and ban them from the universe, him, his family and more importantly minions, worldwide.

To hunt them down for what they are in my own little opinion : enemies of mankind.

His organization and all people working for him will be crunched.

Time is irrelevant.

edit : furthermore I firmly actually believe that anyone getting close to his son (alexander sorros) has to be flagged as an EoM & and if putting down sorros means to have to obliterate ivanka trump or nato, so be it. to be crystal clear.

Why do you hate George Soros?

Because he is a rich Jew and a capitalist?  Are you a communist?

Are you his PR rep? How can you stick up for a guy that thinks that during Nazi Germany it was his "Happy Making time". How could anyone be happy during that era of hell.
If I were in his shoes, I would do the same thing, and I would not feel guilty about it.

As he said, if it were not him, someone else would confiscate properties from Jews.  He was just a 14-year-old spectator.
He knew the stuff Christian Nazis were doing to Jews was evil, but he was smart enough to play Christian and save his ass.  

He saw it as a learning experience of how to anticipate events before they happen.

He was born into the Jewish cult; he was/is not religious and did/does not believe in God.

One has no control over which family or religious cult one is born into.

It seems strange that some people feel hate for the guy they don't even know.  

Sour grapes that he made his billions and they did not, I guess.
Activity: 478
Merit: 66
September 23, 2021, 06:37:37 PM
Furthermore should alll people who worked directly or indirectly for any of his organisation, be classified as their master?

I think it would be interesting to move thing legally, and ban them from the universe, him, his family and more importantly minions, worldwide.

To hunt them down for what they are in my own little opinion : enemies of mankind.

His organization and all people working for him will be crunched.

Time is irrelevant.

edit : furthermore I firmly actually believe that anyone getting close to his son (alexander sorros) has to be flagged as an EoM & and if putting down sorros means to have to obliterate ivanka trump or nato, so be it. to be crystal clear.

Why do you hate George Soros?

Because he is a rich Jew and a capitalist?  Are you a communist?

Are you his PR rep? How can you stick up for a guy that thinks that during Nazi Germany it was his "Happy Making time". How could anyone be happy during that era of hell.
sr. member
Activity: 854
Merit: 277
liife threw a tempest at you? be a coconut !
September 23, 2021, 11:18:14 AM
It's hard to guess if he has some messianic ambition like ( but it seem fair to assess that he is a "jewish" Antinomianist ( and saying the contrary would be denying history affirmed by himself...

@af_newbie poor you...
hero member
Activity: 2660
Merit: 651
Want top-notch marketing for your project, Hire me
September 17, 2021, 08:07:59 AM
Recently, I heard about Soros's financial group. They cause political manipulation in some countries and seek to profit from war. It's evil and I think it's the flip side of the profession. It changed my mind about the rich in society.
I'm unaware of what you said about Soros's financial group but what I understand is that every man has a dark side and the last time I checked most of the Billionaire investor and philanthropist are into something shady (mostly cult) that badly affect the society more than they have helped the society.
This is how they increase their wealth.
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
September 15, 2021, 08:55:27 AM
It's hard to argue that Soros hasn't been involved in some shady social dealings in order to further his financial interests.  I think he does it purely out of greed though.  I don't believe he is inherently evil or trying to do bad like some sort of supervillain.  I think he's just a guy who has spent his life growing his bag and he considers it his legacy so he wants to do everything he can in order to make that happen.  Sadly, it takes a lot to move the needle at his level so there are certainly under the radar things that occur in order to help specific market bets.

No, I don't think it's greed. It's purely hate for "edom", and the rest of the world too. he is a dangerous supremacists, some kind of imperialist seeking to impose his rule over the whole earth, using his vast networks of financial and propaganda.

He tries to white genocide me, control all the AG in all the american states...

And his legacy goal is to attempt to place his son as ruler of the world.

Happilly he made a giant mistake, by wanting to attack the Chinese State? it's more than any men can chew, and they (him, his son, his family, his friends, his employees) could ever dream to chew...

Who has won against the CPC? and it won't be "sorros" the first one to achieve the impossible, to defeat us...

We are more, deadlier, smarter, kinder, and reallly know the price of being subjected to a foreign power, be it sorros, or the whole usa post ww2 nuclear armed power...

So where ever he wants for battlespace, we are here, ready, as he never could imagine...

the march foward, and rejuvenation won't be stopped, by him, or anyone from this earth.

Wanna bet?

Furthermore should alll people who worked directly or indirectly for any of his organisation, be classified as their master?

I think it would be interesting to move thing legally, and ban them from the universe, him, his family and more importantly minions, worldwide.

To hunt them down for what they are in my own little opinion : enemies of mankind.

His organization and all people working for him will be crunched.

Time is irrelevant.

edit : furthermore I firmly actually believe that anyone getting close to his son (alexander sorros) has to be flagged as an EoM & and if putting down sorros means to have to obliterate ivanka trump or nato, so be it. to be crystal clear.

Why do you hate George Soros?

Because he is a rich Jew and a capitalist?  Are you a communist?

I think I have answered before, and no I don't hate my enemies, I understand them, what counts for them, and I know that by wanting to enslave, enserf, occupy, rule and dominate the Chinese People this man, his son, family, friends and employees have crossed the "yellow lines", and there is no way back, but death.


you know my side of it.

wait & watch.

edit : the cia and whole western intelligence combined, even with their biological weapon release on the chinese people, are already crushed inside PLA / MSS areas of dominance, however, if they push to far, there may be a call back, the kind that will targets islands and yachts, the one where softies who pretend to be rulers of the world will learn what warfare active real front lines looks like...

mr zuckerberg can have 64 sec guards, how many does sorros have? a thousand?

we are in the thousands of millions ready to fight and die for our independence, at all cost, our sovereignty and security won't be much longer trespassed by foreigners.

Got it.  You are against capitalists.  Do you even realize that there is more than one 'George Soros' out there?

Slow down and think, before you do something stupid. 

Leave your cult.
sr. member
Activity: 745
Merit: 252
September 15, 2021, 05:08:21 AM
Recently, I heard about Soros's financial group. They cause political manipulation in some countries and seek to profit from war. It's evil and I think it's the flip side of the profession. It changed my mind about the rich in society.
sr. member
Activity: 854
Merit: 277
liife threw a tempest at you? be a coconut !
September 15, 2021, 12:40:19 AM
It's hard to argue that Soros hasn't been involved in some shady social dealings in order to further his financial interests.  I think he does it purely out of greed though.  I don't believe he is inherently evil or trying to do bad like some sort of supervillain.  I think he's just a guy who has spent his life growing his bag and he considers it his legacy so he wants to do everything he can in order to make that happen.  Sadly, it takes a lot to move the needle at his level so there are certainly under the radar things that occur in order to help specific market bets.

No, I don't think it's greed. It's purely hate for "edom", and the rest of the world too. he is a dangerous supremacists, some kind of imperialist seeking to impose his rule over the whole earth, using his vast networks of financial and propaganda.

He tries to white genocide me, control all the AG in all the american states...

And his legacy goal is to attempt to place his son as ruler of the world.

Happilly he made a giant mistake, by wanting to attack the Chinese State? it's more than any men can chew, and they (him, his son, his family, his friends, his employees) could ever dream to chew...

Who has won against the CPC? and it won't be "sorros" the first one to achieve the impossible, to defeat us...

We are more, deadlier, smarter, kinder, and reallly know the price of being subjected to a foreign power, be it sorros, or the whole usa post ww2 nuclear armed power...

So where ever he wants for battlespace, we are here, ready, as he never could imagine...

the march foward, and rejuvenation won't be stopped, by him, or anyone from this earth.

Wanna bet?

Furthermore should alll people who worked directly or indirectly for any of his organisation, be classified as their master?

I think it would be interesting to move thing legally, and ban them from the universe, him, his family and more importantly minions, worldwide.

To hunt them down for what they are in my own little opinion : enemies of mankind.

His organization and all people working for him will be crunched.

Time is irrelevant.

edit : furthermore I firmly actually believe that anyone getting close to his son (alexander sorros) has to be flagged as an EoM & and if putting down sorros means to have to obliterate ivanka trump or nato, so be it. to be crystal clear.

Why do you hate George Soros?

Because he is a rich Jew and a capitalist?  Are you a communist?

I think I have answered before, and no I don't hate my enemies, I understand them, what counts for them, and I know that by wanting to enslave, enserf, occupy, rule and dominate the Chinese People this man, his son, family, friends and employees have crossed the "yellow lines", and there is no way back, but death.


you know my side of it.

wait & watch.

edit : the cia and whole western intelligence combined, even with their biological weapon release on the chinese people, are already crushed inside PLA / MSS areas of dominance, however, if they push to far, there may be a call back, the kind that will targets islands and yachts, the one where softies who pretend to be rulers of the world will learn what warfare active real front lines looks like...

mr zuckerberg can have 64 sec guards, how many does sorros have? a thousand?

we are in the thousands of millions ready to fight and die for our independence, at all cost, our sovereignty and security won't be much longer trespassed by foreigners.
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
September 14, 2021, 08:13:30 PM
Furthermore should alll people who worked directly or indirectly for any of his organisation, be classified as their master?

I think it would be interesting to move thing legally, and ban them from the universe, him, his family and more importantly minions, worldwide.

To hunt them down for what they are in my own little opinion : enemies of mankind.

His organization and all people working for him will be crunched.

Time is irrelevant.

edit : furthermore I firmly actually believe that anyone getting close to his son (alexander sorros) has to be flagged as an EoM & and if putting down sorros means to have to obliterate ivanka trump or nato, so be it. to be crystal clear.

Why do you hate George Soros?

Because he is a rich Jew and a capitalist?  Are you a communist?
Activity: 4760
Merit: 4323
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
September 14, 2021, 06:45:43 AM
It's hard to argue that Soros hasn't been involved in some shady social dealings in order to further his financial interests.  I think he does it purely out of greed though.  I don't believe he is inherently evil or trying to do bad like some sort of supervillain.  I think he's just a guy who has spent his life growing his bag and he considers it his legacy so he wants to do everything he can in order to make that happen.  Sadly, it takes a lot to move the needle at his level so there are certainly under the radar things that occur in order to help specific market bets.
sr. member
Activity: 854
Merit: 277
liife threw a tempest at you? be a coconut !
September 13, 2021, 09:53:28 PM
Furthermore should alll people who worked directly or indirectly for any of his organisation, be classified as their master?

I think it would be interesting to move thing legally, and ban them from the universe, him, his family and more importantly minions, worldwide.

To hunt them down for what they are in my own little opinion : enemies of mankind.

His organization and all people working for him will be crunched.

Time is irrelevant.

edit : furthermore I firmly actually believe that anyone getting close to his son (alexander sorros) has to be flagged as an EoM & and if putting down sorros means to have to obliterate ivanka trump or nato, so be it. to be crystal clear.
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