The Soros-controlled Bild and some other German publications launched an avalanche of hit-pieces on Putin this week, calling him a "war criminal" and accusing him of killing children, destroying hospitals on the ISIS-controlled territories, destroying a bread factory, from which good ISIS fed hundreds of thousands of Syrians, bombing border crossings to Turkey, over which exclusively humanitarian convoys are crossing, etc, etc... TV has also launched a series of negative opinion-forming documentaries on Putin.
And they also wonder why, despite all these efforts, Putin remains popular in Russia... What can I say, at least in Russia black PR works poorly or gives the opposite results. As Obi Wan Kenobi said to Darth Vader, "You can't win, Dart. If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." That's the way of the Russians peoples' mindset in a nutshell.
Meanwhile, New York Post has gone mental and necromantic in Putinomania and sees him on 100-year-old photos: feels like someone is desperate to do some opinion-shaping ahead of the Q&A press conference with Putin, which is to be held tomorrow...