another one is to take a loan from the central bank of europe, why they can't just ask for that, isn't this the way they operate when they have a debt? just print more money right?
there should not be any problem, past debts were resolved in this way, they know that there is no other solution
Indeed ridiculous, ECB is printing 60 billion Euro per month right now, and comparing to that, those 1.6 billion debt of Greece is nothing
Although Euro can be created out of thin air, ECB is afraid of this: If Greece keeps borrowing money and never return them, other countries will follow suit, then after a while no one will be working and every one is borrowing Euro to spend, thus Euro's value will drop dramatically and their power of money printing will become as good as Zimbabwe government
In fact the trend of confidence collapse of fiat money's value is slowly growing when people's knowledge about money is growing. Kicking Greece out of EMU can delay the inevitable for a few years, so that banks have more time to purchase enough assets (maybe bitcoin) using Euro out of thin air
Unlike China, Greece have no large bitcoin exchanges, so the capital outflow of Greek people using bitcoin is relatively difficult