Hi all, I introduce Gustama of Indonesia. maybe you all already know Stellar. for it is my purpose here to make Faucet from the wallet directly, let me give you an example
Here you will make a profit of 100 stellar
If you will send 500 Stellar stellar you will get 600 of my
Any that you guys would send back 100% and will benefit more by 100 stellar.
may sound stupid if I give freely here but just want to develop a more stellar lovers. for that I will not force you to transfer the huge amount sufficient minimum delivery of 500 Stellar
If you already transferred. will be returned in less than 5 minutes
and if there are interested please send your stellar to "havoc117"
Find me on facebook: Gustama Habeahan
or on my Twitter:GustamaHabeahan
I am very happy to be friends with you all