Hello Bitcointalk people, this is my first post so be gentle with me.
We thought we would play a little with the traditional dice type game, rather than bore you we spent some time and money making a video
http://vimeo.com/89304879I am offering $10.00 per review of our website on your bitcoin related blog or website. Simpy send me a link to the review or article and your bitcoin address and i will pay you instantly.
To qualify, your website or blog must be bitcoin related or have substantial bitcoin related content. To avoid doubt simply send me a pm and i can give you an ok before you make the review.
1: PM me to get an ok first, my reply by pm is your record of our promise to pay
2: You must make a substantial enough review, minimum of 500 words and include a working link to our website. (pm me if you want an affiliate link)
3: This offer is only available to bitcointalk registered users.
I also have a wider shopping list, like many gaming type sites we are looking for traffic partners, affiliates etc. If you think you can provide us with a way to generate more traffic, feel free to send me a pm.