Yesterday i find this example of encode:
import binascii
spk = binascii.unhexlify('0014751e76e8199196d454941c45d1b3a323f1433bd6')
version = spk[0] - 0x50 if spk[0] else 0
program = spk[2:]
print(bech32.encode('bc', version, program))
But sadly it prints and error if i try with my Hash160... And is fun to see how there is only one example of that encode command.
And after following the white rabbit i found this book:
And when it try with the book example, it worked fine.. here is the code:
>>> witprog = bytes.fromhex('7773d807892cb200e6a4785428294452c9e3b4b9')
>>> witver = 0x00
>>> hrp = 'bc'
>>> address = bech32.encode(hrp, witver, witprog)
>>> print(address)