Perhaps you may want to check this website: Cryptocurrencies are meant to make a change on the way we pay and exchange goods. They are made to untie the dependency between the users (customers) and the centralized entities that are in control (law enforced) of our economy (e.g. Banks and Governments).
KYC and AML enforcing exchanges are the most common nowadays, they act exactly like a bank when using their wallets (most newbies or “traders” do so). You (usually) don't own any private key, so the funds aren't yours, they own your keys. More precisely, they make you a promise that you own a part of THEIR holdings. They also require you to identify yourself in order to operate there (e.g. photo of your ID). All of this together goes against the most valuable benefits of cryptocurrencies.
With KYCNOT.ME I want to make it easier for people to find trustworthy ways to buy, exchange, trade and use cryptos without needing to identify themselves, and preserving the decentralized and self-governed essence of Cryptocurrencies. of luck.
+1 for
I don't think it's actually safe to go about meeting people one-on-one to complete a peer-to-peer trade, especially when you don't know the person. If there is one thing I have learned and read from @o_e_l_e_o, it is that privacy matters a lot in this crypto community. Going into a trade with someone completely stranger and wanting to meet them physically is, to some point, dangerous because you don't know who the person actually is.
Right now, there are better options than those that your friend might have used in the past, and these are the p2p platforms that regulate and peer you with your local buyer or seller without requesting any form of identity verification, which is what you are afraid of. All you need to do is agree with the seller on how you want to make your payment, and that's all.
You can check out
. Hodlhodl and
Agoradesk I always recommend these two sites because I have used them before. I believe there are also better ones out there, which other members will recommend for you soon enough.
+1 for AgoraDesk
Where possible, use Decentralized exchanges and Bridges that utilize Bitcoin and EVMs. When not possible,
Trocador is a great, insured option for swapping.
Dexes, Bridges and Trocador are your key to be able to use blockchains without having to sacrifice your identity.
From here, you can then go to AgoraDesk or a similar P2P marketplace and transact freely. Do P2P trading for cash, or use anonymous ways of receiving funds. I'd avoid getting funds transferred directly to your bank account because you can never be sure where it has come from.
If you are going anonymous, I would recommend working on your cybersecurity & privacy strategy to ensure that your identity is separate to your on-chain footprint.
Once you master the usage of all of the above, you'll have eluded KYC successfully!