thanks hcp, i'll read ian coleman's website.
Re. point 2, i used electroncash wallet to claim my BCH, but it won't work for claiming bitcoin gold, will it? Isn't my only option to read up on how to get my private key from the seed by modifying the bip39 code convertor?
It's a pretty simple mod... basically I downloaded a copy, and then modified the "BIP39 Mnemonic" validation... so it just always returns "True"...
Hint: look for this function, and just change the last statement so that it always returns true:
self.check = function(mnemonic) {
var mnemonic = self.splitWords(mnemonic);
if (mnemonic.length == 0 || mnemonic.length % 3 > 0) {
return false
... SNIP bunch of code ...
return true; // h == nh;
and then changed where it calculates the "passphrase", so instead of using the string "mnemonic" + entered passphrase, it uses the string "electrum" + entered passphrase.
Hint: look for this code and change the highlighted line:
self.toSeed = function(mnemonic, passphrase) {
passphrase = passphrase || '';
mnemonic = self.joinWords(self.splitWords(mnemonic)); // removes duplicate blanks
var mnemonicNormalized = self.normalizeString(mnemonic);
passphrase = self.normalizeString(passphrase)
passphrase = "mnemonic" + passphrase;
var mnemonicBits = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(mnemonicNormalized);
var passphraseBits = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(passphrase);
var result = sjcl.misc.pbkdf2(mnemonicBits, passphraseBits, PBKDF2_ROUNDS, 512, hmacSHA512);
var hashHex = sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(result);
return hashHex;
After that, you simply put in your seed, Click BIP32 tab, use a "custom derivation path of m/0 and m/1 and you'll see all your receive and change addresses and associated private keys
I really don't recommend using the android version of electrum. It's a completely different set-up from the mac and widows versions, and when reading any guides, they refer to the other versions, which is very confusing (and exasperating)
The Android version is not meant to be a 1:1 copy of the desktop version... that is expecting a bit much. It is more of a "companion" app... in that it will give you quick and easy access to your wallet "on the go" for basics like sending and receiving.
Is there any particular reason why you can't just use a desktop computer, restore your seed into desktop version of Electrum and then extract the private keys from there? You're probably going to need one to modify the BIP39 Mnemonic Code Convertor anyway... the downloaded HTML file is HUGE, nearly 45,000 lines of code... and it runs pretty slow on a mobile device!