Ghislaine Maxwell once boasted she had video of two “high profile” US politicians, along with other powerful figures, having sex with underage girls, claims a former jewel thief who described the disgraced socialite as a nymphomaniac.
The source to this claim has credibility problems, but given how long Epstein (and Maxwell) were able to live freely, I would not be surprised if they both had incriminating evidence against politicians.
There have also been allegations they have spy connections to foreign governments, possibly Israel. To my knowledge, this is unsubstantiated.
If there are Democrat politicians charged over this, and there is evidence to support the charges, the underlying reason why "resistance" to Trump has been so strong.
I view the matter as likely a truly evil spiderweb set up to snare people, both innocent and other evil people. That's political-party-independnat, but if, say, Bill Clinton was involved, I'm willing to consider him an innocent victim of blackmail until proven otherwise.
The whole thing smelly fishy from the get go. "Hey, you want to take a ride on our private jet to an island with lots of young girls that well, you can pretty much have your pick of?" Anyone hearing that would wonder what the catch was. Also of interest is that there's been zero talk of young boys, just young girls. Possibly because many young girls can be dolled up to where it's hard to tell their actual age, where the boys not so much so. True, long term, hard core pedophiles wouldn't have fallen for Epstein's pitch. Although he'd likely have been as happy to blackmail a pedophile as a non-pedophile that fell for his trap. But there wouldn't have been enough pedophiles. Perhaps the pervs would have been less allured by Ghislaine, less tempted to fall into her clutches. But most importantly, the pervs wouldn't just have happened to be in the positions of power they were seeking to influence.
Ghislaine would played socialite, like she did in New York. She would have had the job of luring powerful men down to that island. She could give them a taste of what was to come. Whatever it took to get them to agree to get on that plane.
Epstein and Maxwell acquired billions of dollars by unknown means. But running a private jet to an island stocked with goodies, "servants", and women/girls? Think $100-500k in direct expenses per trip. And that plane flew A LOT.
From each "gala party on the Island", they were intending to net a profit of what? Millions? That does not add up to billions. Each billion is 1000 millions. Blackmail ops may have been for much larger sums, like 50M or even much higher. The most likely source of that scale of money would be governments, and the conduits to government money are politicians.
Seducing key government officials linked to approving a major contract? Each could have been taken down there on separate trip, so none would know the others were even involved. Epstein would buy into the stock of said company prior to the award, perhaps sell short on the "favored company" which was going to lose.
That's likely the sort of entrapment and blackmail that was going on.
The passenger log of the jet is here.