I'm just one person, and so it's impossible to look at all coins out there deeply, so who knows what other hidden gems might be out there, so please go into detail on why you think a coin is going to explode, instead of just "X coin is going to explode."
For me, I think Decent is going to be big in 2018.
From my analysis this one is a very undervalued coin. Things have been sort of in beta from the time it was launched back in late June 2016 to early this year. And now is when the roadmap is going to kick in.
The coin deals with decentralized content distribution, which is a real world use case. But the real important thing to look into is the team behind the coin. They are ambitious and always looking to create partnerships with other groups. Movie industry, Naughty America.
Other interesting points, it cuts out the middleman, no Apple or Amazon, so publishers, artist can set a much lower price for their content.
While content distribution is the major focus of the coin, it has a lot more features, such as revenue sharing. Say you're selling a book, or movie, whatever, and you have partners that get a percentage of the sale, within seconds of somebody purchasing the product, their cut of the profit is sent to them. Here's a video on that
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_c...&v=jois4EZJce4. That system can also be used for other things besides content distribution, such as crowdfunding.
https://dcore.decent.ch/I'm not an expert on every feature of the coin, but I think they have APIs where a company can sell the tickets with real money, and that automatically gets converted into the DCT coin, and for example if you have a band, all the band members get paid instantly in DCTs. So the consumers don't even have to know about Cryptos in order for it to be used. That could also be a very huge advantage.
The partnerships they create makes it so that you never know when big news might hit, so for me it's hold for years to come, else I can't handle missing out on something that was in my hands.
They're also coming out with HDMI streaming hardware that you can hook up to a tv. Like a stick. All these things I feel will give it continuous value for years to come.