Well for both the OEIC / mutual fund and media companies they will be registered in the UK under supervision of commercial law experts and third party [i.e. not mine] chartered accountant firm. auditing is something i would consider for a more involved vehicle that holds things like precious metals etc. This is what I have been recommended as to best suit either the investors or the clients of the second, respectively. I take the technical advice in good faith from seasoned professionals who are qualified to give it.
The fund will be followed by a UK property fund aimed at foreign investors, provided we can find a sound legal basis to buy and sell shares based on this collection of asset types.
I was hoping for IPO guidance from another firm like CPA that might specialise in shepherding IPOs and write indemnity for security. broker the the IPO etc.
we are working hard on a prospectus to release for all interested parties.
IMPORTANT: we are in no rush for an IPO or even are firm that this is right for GLBSE . the fund will go head because right now GLBSE stands unparralled in access for individuals
when i mentioned crowdfunding - things similar to kickstarter etc which also markets the business products and gauges customer interest where appropriate.
[I appreciate that GLBSE does away with a registrar but since we are going to offer shares on other $$/GBP OTC exchanges we will also maintain an account with an electronic registrar which GLBSE investors can opt into- we are weighing options between compushare and and equiniti - while redundant it might offer better protection though it is my understanding the small individual outside of online has no voice unless part of some kind of class action suit
fund a. is a growth/value fund which will be extremely conservative and stable. buy and hold is the order of the day.
(fund b. will be more liquid and use HFT techniques and go for riskier securities but our technical aims are a year away)
we will always be emulating the low fee companies
possible property fund. Real estate in london is fantastic and almost immune to boom bust cycles due to the government and private investment institutions owning most of the land [90% of the uk]. I do not wish to go into detail because we have no firm details and until we can locate the specialist advice we need [its very very expensive] I am just running my mouth off.
Our near term goals is to prove this can work and then moving to our long term roadmap which is investing in asia and middle east as well as establishing advanced private banking in dubai/hamriyah based around a distributed bitcoin hybrid model
TELOS foundry
we are splitting our media endeavours from IP ownership/generation and actual production.
this offering is
Virtual production facility only using freelancers - almost zero overheads. our biggest costs have bee nsoftware but we lareayd had bought it all our selves and the rest we code for ourselves when needed.
we have a good relationship with asian and US distributors
we also will be publishing accounts every quarter
[we are finding that streamlining the discovery process of new talent and new ideas against the closed gatekeeping is extremely lucrative, having worked where this is done routinely- we think there might be a way to offer IP speculation to individuals but this will take some time to work out the mechanics to manage risk and ensure we offer ALOT more than indiegogo and kickstarter so
basically right now a piece of the pie but no risk of failed production or box office /tv cancellation]
we have 2-3 productions in pipe which are paid for and are to debut with buidgets as prestige projects to hsow we are capable indneptly
we will havea roadmap for IPTV/internet
we will also be offering individual projects for MINIMAL* investment through this which will have excellent tax liability structures for both americans and europeans and ZERO risk. this is how the film industry is financed and is very legal but will be the perk of owning part of our film and TV business.
please feel free to ask more questions.